Whaea Jessie - Published Author:

Whaea Jessie is a passionate teacher. She is a true taonga on our staff - a treasure - supporting, challenging, guiding, encouraging and teching us.
Jessie loves teaching, loves her class and loves this school. She also loves literacy, literature and te reo Māori. Jessie also knows the importance of mental health and well-being. Putting all these loves and passions together, Whaea Jessie has collaborated with Hira Nathan to produce a stunning new book "Piki Te Ora."
The book will be officially launched by Hira and Jessie at the Auckland Writers' Festival on Sunday May 19 - from 12:15 to 1 pm in the foyer on level five of the Aotea Centre in central Auckland.
The book is a wellbeing journal for children. It is simply stunning in terms of thought, layout, structure, purpose, illustrations and philosophical approach.
I had a look at an advanced copy and include three pages from the book as examples of the above points.
Here's the bio for their launch:
If you are looking for a space of calm among the festival events join Hira Nathan and Jessie Eyre as they lead games and activities to explore and connect with the different parts of our hauora (wellbeing). Learn some skills to still the mind and warm your heart. Take a moment to focus on you and look after all the unique and different parts of yourself that make you who you are. If you want to keep the journey going, stick around and join our two authors as they release their new book Piki te Ora: Your Wellbeing Journal, into the big wide world.
Here's the Author's Bio for Whaea Jessie:
Jessie Eyre is a primary teacher in West Auckland. She loves all things literacy, and has a special place in her heart for children's books and te reo Māori. She is proud aunty to Otis, who is “delightful”. To support her own hauora (wellbeing) Jessie loves the beach, reading, public libraries, musicals, and trying new restaurants in Tāmaki Makaurau. Studying te reo for six years (which is how she met Hira) has changed Jessie’s whole outlook on life. She says: “Te reo Māori is a beautiful language with so much depth, and I want all New Zealander's to be able to experience its greatness.” Authoring a book with her friend Hira that is focused on children, wellbeing, and te reo, has been a dream come true. Jessie wants all children to know a love for books and good storytelling to inspire their imaginations and creativity.
We are also working on a low-key local launch here at Western Heights after school on the Friday following the launch - Friday May 24 - more info soon if we can make it happen.