Artificial Intelligence - AI :

Chatbots, Ideation and Search:

ChatGPT: worth the $20 upgrade or just search for free - it’s the most popular tool by far.


Claude 2: Another powerful chatbot worth trying.


Copilot: Microsoft kinda giving you chatGPT for free + Bing.


Perplexity: My new default for search 

(especially as Google considers charging for search)

Content Creation:

Jasper: Helps generate content, summaries, and articles - adopting your tone. Marketing magic! Creates compelling copy but with workflows


Quillbot: The surprising tool that improves all your gdocs, and translates on the fly!


Writesonic: A sort of ChatGPT alternative for SEO

Grammar Checkers and Rewording Tools:

Grammarly: Ensures grammatical correctness and clarity - and while I do ignore some of the suggestions - I have regularly used Grammarly - and over many years!


Wordtune: Helps rephrase sentences - like an AI writing assistant!

Meeting Notes

Fireflies - not quite perfect but default for the masses.


Laxis: Premium updating of CRMs, recording etc.


Airgram: AI-powered meeting assistant.

Video Generation and Editing:

Descript: Simplifies video editing with AI-powered transcription and collaboration features. If I was a podcaster, this is where I would go. This or Podium or Auris


Runway: Enables creative video effects and animations


Sora: When it comes, it will be game-changing


OpusClip- slice up video automagically, similar to 2short

Image Generation:

DALL·E 3: Creates unique images from textual descriptions.


Midjourney: A bit like magic, generates stunning visual content, but tricky to figure out


Bing Create: If you handle the Microsoft login process.


Canva: The simplest and the best design support, now with AI

Speech to Text

Audiopen- Have started including this in my workflow. Just converting voice notes to text, getting rid of the ums and errs. I think I like this a lot


TrintAI- the professional version to create your text from Audio.


TubeonAI: Summaries of the YouTube videos you wanted to watch but don’t have the time to.

Knowledge Management and AI Notes:

Mem: Organizes and retrieves information - a new type of notes app


Notion AI Q&A: Helps answer questions based on stored knowledge.


Personal AI: Personalized AI assistance - on my list to explore


Reclaim: Optimizes calendar scheduling when your life is crazy busy across multiple lives


Clockwise: Prioritizes focused work time - calendars powered by GPT

Slide Decks and Presentations:

Decktopus: Creates professional slide decks. AI-powered presentation design.



One thing I should emphasise is that AI doesn’t just do the work for you - you need to work in conjunction with AI and treat AI as a co-intelligence partner that amplifies your human capabilities. This perspective encourages us to engage with AI in a more collaborative manner, where both human and machine intelligence shape the creative process.