Library News

What an exciting time we’ve been having in the Library! After waiting (and waiting!) for the new furniture to arrive for the Senior Library I am delighted to be able to say that our Senior Library is open for borrowing! Rama worked extremely hard getting the books on the shelves ready for students to be able to browse and borrow and it’s all looking terrific! Photographs will follow at a later date.
This term in the Junior Library the students in the Prep to Year Two classes will be studying some well-known authors. The Preps will be looking at books by English author Julia Donaldson, the Year One students will be discussing a range of books by Australian author Mem Fox and the Year Twos will be focussing on the books of Australian author Aaron Blabey. Of course, care of books is also a major focus of Library lessons.
Please encourage your children to return their library book each week. It is essential that all students in the junior classes have a library bag to protect their book. If your child is not taking a library book home, it is probably because they do not have a bag to keep it safe in. They are still borrowing a book but are keeping it safe in their classroom. Also, if your child still has a book outstanding from last year, they will be keeping the book they borrow each week at school until the outstanding book has either been returned or paid for. If you wish to discuss any of these matters with me please do not hesitate to contact me during school hours.
Thank-you for your continuing support in all things relating to our library! Happy reading!
Ed Parry, Library Teacher