Important dates to remember
Important dates to remember
Monday 6th - Thursday 9th May
Mothers Day Stall
Thursday 9th May
Foundation 2025 Open Evening & Tour
Friday 10th May
Walk safely to school day
Education Week - spotlight on STEM
13th - 17th May
Friday 17th May
Education Week - Open Classroom 2.30pm
Prep Breakfast
Wednesday 22nd to Monday 27th May
Book Fair
Tuesday 4th June
School Council 6pm
Monday 10th June
Kings Birthday (Public Holiday)
Friday 7th June
Whole School Assembly 2.45pm
Tuesday 11th June - Wednesday 12th June
Year 4 CYC Camp
Thursday 13th June
3 Way Conferences - altered day
Thursday 27th June
End of Term Assembly 9.15am
Friday 28th June
Curriculum Day (pupil free day)
Monday 15th July
First day of Term 3
Friday 20th September
Last day of Term 3