Religious Education

Mother's Day Mass

Dearest Mothers, we are so looking forward to celebrating your special day! What a gift you are to us all! This coming Tuesday 7th May, after breakfast in the hall from 7.45am, we invite you to our Mother's Day Whole School Mass in the Church @ 9.15am. You are more than welcome to sit with your child/children in their class pew or on the side pews. Older siblings may join their younger sibling's class as we make our way to the church by 9am. As a place of prayer and worship, no food or drink is allowed in the Church and we ask that you enter quietly in reverence and respect for those praying.

Gospel Reflection

Gospel Reading

John 15:9-17

Jesus commands his disciples to love one another.


Unpacking the Scripture

In this Sunday's Gospel of John , Jesus reveals to us the mark of a true disciple - "My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you." He also affirms that those who know Him will know the Father. Knowledge leads to love, which leads to action. Even more, a true disciple shows a particular kind of love, sacrificial love. 


In the original Greek translation,  Jesus uses the word philia when referring to his disciples, meaning a love between friends. Here he enlightens us to know that God's relationship with his followers is intended to be based on friendship, not servitude.


Another point to note in this scripture is that John reminds his community that Jesus taught that a disciple is one who has been chosen. Chosen means set apart. This doesn't mean we are to be separated from the world but that our lives must look different from what the world demands, we must stand out in how our love goes beyond the natural - it must become supernatural. We have been sent to serve the world, by sacrificing for others in love.  Jesus showed us the greatest example of this on the cross - "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends".


Family Connection

Jesus teaches us that love is the sign of a true disciple - a true Christian. True love demands sacrifice - we give of ourselves for the other. This is best seen in family life. Sometimes the sacrifices we are called upon to make for others are small, but these prepare us for the larger choices and sacrifices that we may be called upon to make - "Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much" (Lk 10:16). It is important to teach our children this message, to model it and help them put it into practice. It could be simple practices such as sacrificing playing on their device to help with chores, taking time out of their weekend to visit a grandparent, help carry a shopping bag or to not give up on a task when they 'don't feel like it'.  



One of the things we can ask for from God is a generous spirit so that we can love others as Jesus did. To love is to give freely to others without counting the cost. Gather together, lighting a candle or putting an image of Jesus infront of you and read John 15:9-17 Pray together an act of love:


Loving God,

Thank you for your unconditional love. Help us to know more deeply your love for us as your beloved children. Strengthen our love for eachother and to look and listen for how we can serve others first. Help us to offer peace during times of stress, patrience in times of hurry, empathy in times of frustration and forgiveness in times of anger. Transform our hearts with a spirit of joy in sacrifice - to love one another as you have loved us.




India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader

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