Compass News


Thank you for taking the time to download and log into Compass. We are still getting to know the platform but so far we are seeing the benefits. 



Thank you to those parents who have used Compass to place an attendance note for their child. These absent notes are automatically placed into the class roll where teachers can see instantly if a student will be away. 


Compass Kiosk-Late/early arrivals

We have a Compass ‘Kiosk’ at the front desk for parents to sign their child in if they are late or leaving early. It is important that you come into the school to complete this. 

In the coming week/s you will start to receive either an SMS or email if your child is absent or late without an explanation. 


Reminder the morning gate opens at 8:30am, the bell goes at 8:45am and the gate is shut. Classes start at 8:45am.



We have started placing excursions onto the Compass platform, these are called ‘Events’. We are still receiving some training in the space so we thank you for your patience and understanding. 



You have access to the Lunch Order Link and the Online Parent Compass Guide in your favourites. 


If you still require your login details please email the office  or Natalie Cromie +