MGC Parents’ Association News
MGCPA Calendar
Friday 3rd May Mother’s Day Breakfast
Tuesday 4th June PA meeting at 6:30pm in School Staff Room
Friday 21st June Year 7 Coffee Morning, Mister Coppin Richmond @8:30am
MGC Year 11 & 12 Social Event
A small group of year 11/12 parents got together last term for a fun evening of Bare Foot Bowls at Richmond Union Bowls Club. A wonderful social club that welcomed our group with tips and tricks of the game. We look forward to heading back there later in the year for another round or two of bowls and drinks.
Staff Thank You Lunch
The Staff Thank You lunch was hosted on Monday 29th April by a group of PA members with the generosity and support of our school families. A big thank you to those who delivered delicious homemade goods, and other items to treat our MGC staff for the amazing work they do every day. The PA are extremely grateful for your contributions and the staff were overwhelmed and incredibly grateful for such a fabulous lunch. Thank you to everyone who helped organise everything, especially our PA members Alison, Julie, Janine & Kirsty.
Mother’s Day Breakfast
Our Parent’s Association added a new event to the calendar this year, a lovely Mother’s Day breakfast held for Mothers, daughters, and carers in the Gillard Centre. The decision was made to host it early to accommodate those who may be attending multiple Mother’s Day events over the next week! A beautiful assortment of bakery goods such as bagels, cupcakes, croissants, donuts, chai and yoghurt pots were thoroughly enjoyed with a juice or hot beverage. Big thank you to our PA member Sue for coordinating this wonderful event and for Sarah, Bunny, Angela, Alison, and Toni for all your help assisting on the day.
MGC Parent Involvement
Are you interested in a role at the MGC Parents’ Association?
The MGC Parents’ Association has several positions still vacant for parents and carers interested to help us support our school’s community. Our vacant roles are listed below, and you can read more about each of them in the attached doc.
MGC PA vacancies - April 2024:
- Events coordinator
- Year level parents/guardian ambassadors – years 7,10 and 11
- Governance Manager
- Grants Coordinator
- Sponsorship Coordinator
If you are interested to in helping but are very, this year we have established working groups where you can get involved in a specific task supporting our main activities. For example, you can help support setting up a particular event like the upcoming Mother’s Day morning tea or can help us prepare a poster to promote our actions from the community survey we conducted last year. Whatever your availability is, please reach out via our email or fill out our short MGC PA registration form:
If you would like a list of the Parent Association roles and descriptions, please see the attached:
MGC Year Level Coffee Mornings
The Parent Association Year Level Ambassadors will arrange more coffee morning catch up dates in Term 2, please keep an eye on Compass for more details.
Join Us
Next meeting - Tuesday 4th June at 6:30pm in the school staff room.
New members are always welcome. Email us to add your contact details to the PA mailing list or if you would like to be included in your child’s year level group correspondence, please email your details along with the year levels you’d like to be included in.
Please feel free to join any of the upcoming PA meetings, dates and times can be found on the school’s Compass calendar.
We look forward to meeting you.