Physical Education

Hi Families,


Has been a big start to sport this term.


Dates for the diary in Term 2:

Monday 20th May - District Cross Country (Selected students)

Wednesday 12th June - Year 4 Winter Gala Day

Friday 21st June - Year 5 & 6 Winter Gala Day


Lots going on behind the scenes but a short one this week 🙂


Sport Dates for the Diary:

Monday 20th May - District Cross Country (Selected students)

Wednesday 12th June - Year 4 Gala Day

Friday 21st June - Year 5&6 Gala Day


SSV Team Vic

Some of the Year 6 students have been coming in and chatting to me about the SSV team process.  This information was sent out at the start of the year but I thought I would reconfirm the process again this week.  This process has changed over the years.  While we once would have sought students and endorsed individuals for a sport, now this is an online process and it is up to the parent/carer on whether they think their child is suitable for this process and they register them. Staff at school will only be contacted and asked to endorse someone if your child is selected for a Vic Team.  To find out more information on this process you can click here


Different sports have different registration dates and so therefore I highly recommend if you have a sport in mind that you head to the following - Team Vic Sport and Registration Key Dates 

This can be a great opportunity for students but it is also a competitive environment as some of these teams are small.  If you think you would like your child to go for some experience (year 5 & 6 age groups) then this is fine but please also remember that it is recommended that your child is playing these sports regularly, and are potentially in representative teams for their sport. 

There are also many opportunities when they head to high school so for the students to simply continue enjoying their sport and having fun is also really important than focusing on this type of process.

Any further information you can go to



In year 3&4 we have been doing skipping for the first 10 mins of our session.  This is to get the students straight into routine and movement as soon as they come to class but also as it has some fabulous health benefits.  

  • Improves heart health
  • Improves coordination
  • Increases concentration
  • Increases body flexibility
  • Improves fitness
  • Improves creativity
  • It's a fun and affordable activity

Some of the tricks we have learnt over the past 4 weeks are here, perhaps ask your student if they can show you some.



While not everyone enjoys it, I highly recommend (even if your student isn’t in year 3&4) for your students to get out there regularly and give it a go.


Have a great week ahead


Stay safe, keep active

Catherine Wall

Health and Physical Education Teacher

Sport Coordinator