News from Brett Toombs

Director of Boarding

Exeat weekend

It's the mid-term exeat weekend. Residences were closed by 4:30pm today and all boarders will spend the weekend with family or friends. Residences will reopen on various days as St Augustine’s and St Monica’s have different programs for Monday 20 May.


Girls residences

St Monica’s College has school on Monday and will run its usual Monday program. Therefore, the girls residences will reopen at 4pm on Sunday afternoon, and all girls are expected back in boarding by 8pm Sunday night. Students wishing to return on Monday morning before school should have communicated with Mrs Price or Ms Luff and completed a REACH request. Transport will be available from the airport for girls arriving on Sunday afternoon or evening.


Boys residences

St Augustine’s College has a student-free day on Monday. Therefore, the earliest boys can return to boarding is on Monday afternoon from 4pm. Like other free and exeat weekends, boys must be back by 8pm on Monday night unless they have contacted Mr McKeown or Mr Connell. Transport will be available from the airport for boys arriving on Monday afternoon or evening.


Parents and carers, please send flight and bus itineraries to respective heads of residence for incoming travel for this weekend.


Recognising our exemplary boarders

Boarder of the Week Awards were presented to our junior and senior students after Mass for the past two Sunday nights. The nominated students have been instrumental in making the boarding community a better place because of their positive and infectious attitudes. Well done to the following students:

Junior girls – Ceanne Sabatino and Maya Zovko.

Senior girls – Rose McMahon and Bella Rossini.

Junior boys – Ron Wasiu and Ashton Assan-Savage.

Senior boys – Ryan Knuckey and Cayde Miller.


National Boarding Week

It's National Boarding Week, which we have celebrated in the boarding community and day schools. The week gives us an opportunity to thank the various people who ensure a positive boarding experience for our students and staff. At our National Boarding Day afternoon tea, some boarders shared with the community about what they appreciate and value about boarding. Some of their responses are below:


“I appreciate the friendships and the amazing bonds you can create in such little time. The memories and fun you can create with each other as well as the boarding cohort are special. I enjoy the stories we share and find out more about each other. I also love getting to know new things about others, and everyone's hobbies and favourite things that they love doing. The best thing about boarding school is Ruby, Jordan, and Mrs Price and how much they do for us such as welcoming us in the dorms after a long day at school (it makes my day), and how early they get up every day to look after us. I also cherish when they check up on us when we are feeling down and need a little boost. I very much appreciate them and how caring and thoughtful they are. It’s the best thing ever to have them at boarding and seeing their beautiful smiles every morning.” 

– Tiahna Aldred (Year 9)


“I would like to thank boarding for all the opportunities they have given me and my family. Things such as Thursday activities and Saturday outings. Just being able to do the things I get to do here. Things I would never get to experience back home. I’m so happy I get to experience being here. My life has truly changed for the better. Thank you Mr Toombs, Thank you Mrs Price and thank you Mrs Luff.” 

– Aroha Parkinson (Year 10)


“I love being a boarder and waking up every morning, seeing all my mates. This is special and so are the friendships that we make. Another thing I love is the outings that we go on, especially on Saturdays.”

– Warne McShane (Year 7)


“I value and appreciate the brotherhood and camaraderie that exists in our boarding residence. The mateship that is fostered over the years with the boys is very special to me and something that I will always value.”

– Finn Dryden (Year 12)


Boarders camp

The boarders who stayed in over the recent free weekend went on a two-night camp to Genazzano Retreat Centre at Lake Tinaroo. Everyone enjoyed the activities, being with friends and relaxing, and the students were extremely complimentary of their time away. 


Special thanks to our boarding staff who made this camp possible: Mr Connell, Mr Vant, Mr McKeown, Ms Adams, Ms Kelly, Mr Minehan, Mr Ryan and Ms Price.