News from Frazer Rigby

Deputy Principal

Young people navigating a sexed-up world 

The presentation on Navigating a Sexed-Up World delivered to our Year 9s last Monday was a resounding success, thanks to our guest speakers, Melinda Tankard Reist and Daniel Principe. They inspired our young men to be champions by challenging contemporary culture and its values and to become the best version of themselves. With a demeanor that was both caring and respectful, they approached the sensitive topic with a genuine desire to guide and support our young men of Saints. 


Daniel and Melinda fostered an atmosphere of trust, allowing the boys to openly engage with the material and ask questions without fear of judgment. Even though the boys felt a little uncomfortable when St Monica’s Year 9 students arrived, the presentation and interactions equipped the boys with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of relationships and sexuality in today's world, ensuring that they can make informed and responsible choices with confidence.  



Years 8 & 9 camps 

Our Years 8 and 9 students attended their camps to Fitzroy Island and Sugarbag Station this week. These events have proven, over many years, to be very formative and memorable experiences for the boys. Thank you to all parents and carers for assisting your sons to prepare for the camps. Also, a sincere expression of gratitude goes to the staff that facilitated the camps, the school-based activities program, and those who covered classes at the College. 


The significant role of parents

Research constantly affirms the significant role that parents play in their sons' development as they navigate the challenges of adolescence and schooling. As a college we welcome your contribution, which sends a positive message to your sons that their schooling remains a major priority. As a parent of three children, I am also aware of the many hours spent encouraging such things as homework and assessment work. Parents remain the primary educators of their children.  


Wearing the College uniform

Wearing the uniform correctly demonstrates pride in the College, self-discipline and a desire to be “on board” with our expectations and the way we do things at Saints. Lately we have been reminding boys of the importance of wearing the uniform well. Please have a conversation with your son about this. Some students may need to purchase proper fitting socks, which should be worn 5cm below the knee, and replace shorts or shirts that they've outgrown. Please contact your son’s head of year if you have any concerns about this. 



As we are over halfway through the term, please ensure that your son attends to his hair by making an appointment at the hairdresser or barber. Do not wait to be asked by his head of year to have his hair cut to meet college expectations as outlined on page 11 of the student diary.