Students of the Week

Term 2 - Week 3
Eliana K - Congratulations Eliana, you have been a superstar learner this term! I love the way you come into school each morning, unpack your bag, set up your reader and sit beautifully on the mat. I have been so impressed with your have-a-go attitude with anything that you do! Thank you for always sharing your positive attitude with FD! Keep up the amazing work!
Asher H - Congratulations Asher! I love how you come into school each morning beaming with energy and fun. You always try your best, no matter the task, and you are a champion with your schoolwork. We are lucky to have such a kind and helpful class member. You are a superstar who is shining very brightly in Foundation J. Well done!
Lenny D - For brightening up our school every day with your cheerful smile and eagerness to learn! Lenny, you shine like a star with your enthusiasm and willingness to try new things. Keep spreading your positivity and keep up the fantastic work!
Hugh R - For being 1M's human dictionary! Whenever we are unsure of what a word means, who do we call? Hugh! Thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge with us! What a legend!
Eden K - Eden, you are consistently looking out for others and finding new ways to be supportive in class. You are a positive role-model and a great friend to everyone in 1P. Well done superstar!
Taya Mc - Taya, your dedication to learning is proving to be your superpower! You have shown incredible growth in your addition skills and you have become a brilliant voice in our classroom discussions about our class text, 'Matilda'.
Rory S - For being a fantastic sous chef in the kitchen last week. You were a great role model to your classmates and demonstrated strong leadership organising your group with the clean-up. Well done Rory you are a star!
Mollie A - Well done Mollie for being such a kind and thoughtful friend to everyone in the class. You always take time to check in with your friends and support them where you can. We’re lucky to have you in 2W!
Kyle P - For your outstanding effort in all class activities. You are an attentive learner who is always ready to try new activities. Keep up the great work, Kyle!
Isaac B - Isaac, you bring a wave of enthusiasm into the classroom each day. Thank you for approaching all tasks with a positive attitude and for sharing your extensive knowledge about a range of topics with the class. Your happy demeanour and funny sense of humour brightens everyone’s day and puts a smile on their faces.
Ivy K - Thank you for sharing your great mathematical thinking with us to help us problem solve with arrays. Your exceptional attitude to learning makes you a role model to your peers. Keep up the great work!
Leonie Z - For your brilliant effort and commitment to all your learning and for showing willingness to challenge yourself in maths! I am so impressed with how hard you have been working.
Flynn A-B - Interested in knowing about a fox’s diet? Or have a question about an endangered animal? This guy knows it all! Thank you for inspiring the class to engage with our sustainability unit this week, Flynn. You are a superstar!
Mia B - For being a shining example of dedication, leadership, and self-motivation within our classroom.
Stevie-Rose V - For the way you go about not only your own learning, but the helping of others learning too!
Koby H - Have you heard about the 5/6S student leading the way like a shepherd?
Koby, you have had an excellent start to the term and I’ve been super impressed with your maturity, leadership and attitude! Keep it up!
Micki A - For your persistence and determination in maths this week!
Sophie B - Sophie, congratulations for consistently demonstrating courage to try your best, and curiosity to learn new ideas and information. Your focus is excellent, and you should feel so proud of the way you listen and contribute to class discussions. You are a kind and considerate member of our class, and you should feel enormously proud of the person and student that you are. What a legend you are, Sophie!
Term 2 - Week 4
Marlowe H - Congratulations Marlowe! What a superstar you truly are. I have been so proud of the way you have been walking into school with a positive attitude and a smile on your face. You always try your best and you are a lovely and kind friend. Foundation D are so lucky to have you! Keep up the wonderful work Marlowe!!
Kaziah J - Congratulations Kaziah, you light up our classroom each morning with your radiant smile and I am loving your cheery good mornings. Your kindness shines through in everything you do, and your dedication to your learning is sensational. Keep up the fantastic effort. You're truly a bright spark and we are so lucky to have you in Foundation J!
Freddy C - For the way you come in every morning shining brightly like the star you are. You're doing a fantastic job getting ready for the day and learning new things. Keep up the great work, Freddy!
Annabelle A - Annabelle, your reading is just divine! You use the punctuation perfectly to help you read fluently and with great expression. Keep it up super reader!
Thaliah L - Thalia, thank you for being a kind friend and using your initiative to help other students when they need assistance.
Liam U - Liam, on behalf of myself and your classmates I would like to thank you for sharing your gift of singing with us. We were all blown away by your incredible talent.I would also like to acknowledge the way you always complete your tasks to the best of your ability.
Archer G - What a hard-worker you are! You have shown such great determination and effort towards all of your learning this past week. We love your drive to continue to better yourself and it is always done with a beaming smile. What a star!!
Elizabeth J - Elizabeth is a responsible and respectful member of our class. She is a great role model for her classmates and always shows positive classroom behaviours. Elizabeth makes sure to complete all her work to a high standard. Keep up the amazing work!
Leila L - For your conscientious attitude to learning during all lessons. You are a terrific role model to your classmates. Keep up the fantastic work!
Aussie D - For being a terrific role model all week with your learning and for approaching tasks with a positive attitude.
Jack M - For your outstanding use of adjectives and adverbs in your writing this week. You always put 100% effort into each new challenge in our classroom and encourage others to do the same.
Tom G - For your impressive application of multiplication and division skills and for challenging yourself in our maths lessons. Well done!
Aria W - Aria, thank you for your commitment during PhOrMes lessons. You have been a real leader in our classroom, and we are so lucky to have you. Keep up the amazing work!
Eli G - Eli, your curiosity and thought-provoking questions always enriched our classroom discussions across a range of subjects. Your willingness to share your knowledge helps everyone in the class learn something new every day. Your exceptional work in maths this week, paired with your eagerness to explain and demonstrate your problem-solving methods, has truly stood out. Keep up the amazing work!
Sadie W-Y - Sadie, you go about your day producing pieces of work that are above and beyond a Grade 6 level! Although very quiet, your contributions in class are greatly appreciated.
Alice P-M - 5/6S is a wonderland when Alice Springs into action! I’ve been super impressed with your work this term. You have made a great start to your lit circles and you are switched on and becoming curiouser and curiouser in Maths! Keep it up!
Josephine B - For your willingness to help others and share your knowledge and wisdom.
Nova L - Nova, congratulations on embodying empathy, thoughtfulness, focus and humble leadership in our class. Your ability to understand the perspectives of others, your thoughtful approach to challenges, and your unwavering focus are truly admirable. Your humble leadership sets an example for your peers. Keep shining brightly, Nova! Nova - a transient astronomical event that causes the sudden appearance of a bright, apparently ‘new’ star’! YOU are a star, Nova!