Happy Science

Marine and Maritime, DNA and Forensics

News from Science

Science continues to be a hub of activity, even after the excitement of Science Week has passed. 

Year 11 Marine and Maritime

Our Year 11 Marine and Maritime studies students have been engaging with their course in a variety of ways.  They had a guest speaker, Dr Chris Thompson, a research fellow from UWA speak to them about his work in Marine Protected Areas, assessing ocean health and how it is to work for National Geographic and be on a research vessel with Andrew Forrest. The students were fascinated by his knowledge and inspired by his story. We thank Dr Thompson immensely for his time with our students. 


The students then ventured to Pelican Point, to collect biotic and abiotic data to assess the ecosystem health of a marine reserve compared to a nonprotected zone. It was great to see the students in the ecosystems, putting into practice some of the early skills they heard about previously from Dr Thompson. The practical nature of the Marine and Maritime course lends itself to students who enjoy the balance of getting out and about, while also learning within a classroom setting. 

Year 10s DNA

The Year 10 Nobel Pathway students have been working hard on their understanding of Biotechnology. This week they completed a practical electrophoresis activity, putting into action their work on DNA. This work will open the student’s world into the research being conducted at Harry Perkins Research Centre, a place they will have an excursion to in term 4. 

Year 9 Forensics

Our Year 9 Nobel Pathway students are enjoying their forensics work, completing a lab on anthropology (measuring bones) and some work on fibres and hairs using the microscopes. They are appreciating the fine attention to detail required to be a specialist in the world of forensics evidence. 

Year 7 Astronomy

Finally Mr Dempers and his Year 7 Science class visited Boola Bardip Museum (WA Museum) to see the meteorite and learn more about the cosmos as an introduction into their astronomy unit. 

Legendary Learners

Legendary Learners is starting this week in the Laurence Library, open for all Year 12 students to study, participate in revision seminars, or complete assessment work ready for their final days before graduation. The Science teachers will be running revision seminars in Week Seven and Eight for their ATAR classes, specifics will be shared with the students later this week. 


Happy Science!


Ms Charlotte Donovan

Head of Learning Area - Science