From the Principal

Dear LPS families and friends,
Thank you
We are fast approaching my favourite time of the year. The weather is starting to change, helping us to all to defrost, footy finals are upon us and the holidays are coming just in time to enjoy them both.
I hope that you all enjoyed the Student Led Conferences and hearing from your children about their goals and how they are achieving them. Our teachers have certainly noticed the growth in our students about how they explain their thinking and learning. Mrs Roose has written more about student-led conferences in her Learning and Teaching report. Whilst student-led conferences are centered on the child and you as a support in their learning, they are not possible without teachers giving their time to attend. Whilst it is an expectation of the job it does impact the lives of our staff.
We are so lucky that the culture amongst the Lysterfield PS staff is that they not only will do these things but that they enjoy it. This was also evident last week when our grade 5-6 students went to camp. Camp is an amazing experience for students but is a very long week for staff. Staff on camp are essentially on duty or on call for the entire week and even when they are asleep it is with one eye open. I am so thankful that staff choose to attend camp as this is certainly not something they have to do, it is something they love to do.
Last weekend another of our teachers, Mr Hicks, volunteered to give up his Saturday afternoon to support a group of students with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, a halftime experience during a Melbourne Storm game at AAMI Park. The students had the chance to participate in some games and activities before forming a guard of honour to welcome the two teams back to the ground.
Whilst it might seem as a given that these things occur in schools, it is not. I am very
thankful as a school leader that we have such dedicated and passionate staff that will give their time to create opportunities for our students.
Student transfer
At the end of each year, we say farewell to our grade 6 students as they leave for secondary school. We also have many families that move house and need to transfer to a school closer to home. If you know that your child will be enrolling in a new school for the 2024 school year, please let the office know ASAP to assist with our planning.
Father's Day
Thank you to all the prep dads and special visitors who attended our special Father's Day morning today. It was great to see so many smiling faces. I hope you all have a wonderful day on Sunday and enjoy your gifts from the Father's Day stall. I'm sure it will be something you always wanted!
Adam Wight, Principal