Prep-2 Sector 



The Prep students had the most exciting time celebrating Book Week and taking part in their first ever Book Parade. 

They were super excited to see their teachers dressed up as elephants from the wonderful story of Elmer. 

They got to meet Elmer, Violet, Rose and Lucy. Leading up to book week, the students were engaged in listening to the many adventures of Elmer and his friends.

They were immersed in numerous craft and reading activities related to the Elmer stories. They enjoyed discussing the themes about inclusion, acceptance and celebrating our differences.


The Preps have also been creating some chalk drawings outside the classrooms and then using this as a writing prompt to write a recount.

Students have also been learning about procedure writing and were lucky enough to make Fairy Bread and then write about what they needed, and the steps involved in making this delicious treat. 

We have some mini chefs in our midst!!


During science students have been exploring how things move. This week they made predictions about which object would roll further and justified their responses. Then came the all-important experimenting. There was a lot of interesting discussion and some surprising outcomes. 







The Prep Team

Year 1


In year 1 this term, we have been learning all about Information reports. We have been researching animals by looking at pictures and watching videos. We have been gathering all the information to then write our own information reports. We have just begun publishing our work on book creator and can’t wait to see them when they are finished. 


In science we have been looking at animals and identifying what they eat, where they live and what features they have to protect them. We were lucky enough to have the Wild Animal Incursion come to our school and allow us to hold and touch some amazing animals. 

'You can if you think you can'

The Year 1 Teachers


Year 2

In the vibrant world of Year 2, our young learners are diving into an exciting array of academic adventures. 


Students are delving into the art of crafting information reports, fostering their abilities to categories information under the corresponding sub-headings. Their information reports posters are coming up so well and we will show you in the next newsletter. 


In multiplication and division, students are enjoying learning all about equations, arrays and working out what the problem is asking in order to solve it correctly. As teachers, we are super impressed at how well the students have understood these two concepts.

During Book Week, we were very lucky to be able to complete shared reading with Year 8 students where we spent some time sharing texts with each other. Our students costumes were also AMAZING and we thank parents/guardians for the time you put into making this happen.


We can’t wait to see what our students learn in term 4!


Yr 2 Team


Miss Ralli during lunchtime with the students enjoying some fresh fruit-by C.Jose