Principal News

End of Term 3!
Wow, how amazing to think that another term is almost over! This term has been busy with many wonderful events, including incursions, excursions, interschool sports and whole school events such as Book Week. These events are important for our students to engage in so as to further develop their learning and continue to build connections with their peers and teachers.
Book Week Celebrations
Book Week celebrations took place from 21 August to 25 August. During the week students participated in a variety of activities including our annual Book Week Parade which parents and guardians were also invited to attend. It was a fun filled morning sighting the many wonderful costumes worn by students and staff.
Year 5 Camp
The Year 5 students went on a fun filled adventurous camp to Rumbug Camp. Students and staff enjoyed themselves as they participated in many team building and outdoor activities. The weather was great, which was a bonus! Thank you to Mr Golz and the Year 5 team for the organisation of the camp.
Father’s Day/ Special Person’s Day Stall
Thank you to our Brookside Parents and Friends Committee (PFC) who once again did an exceptional job running our annual stall, during which students were able to purchase something nice for Father’s Day/Special Person’s Day.
Prep 2023 Enrolments
Brookside College is continuing to accept enrolments for Prep 2023. If you have a child who will be starting Prep next year and haven’t already enrolled, please contact the school as soon as possible to begin the enrolment process.
Parent Teacher Student Conferences
Parent Teacher Student Conferences were conducted this week, with both face to face and online options to provide families the opportunity to discuss student progress. If you were unable to attend please feel free to contact your child’s HG teacher to organise another suitable time.
Mobile Phones on School Grounds
A reminder for all students there is to be no use of mobile phones whilst on school grounds before and after school. This is stated in the Mobile Policy as “inappropriate use of mobile phones is deemed as any use during school hours”. During school hours, it is the expectation that mobile phones are switched off and securely stored in the allocated storage.
R U Ok? Day – Thursday 14 September Every year, Brookside College aims to spread mental health awareness and community connection through the message of R U Ok? Our mission is to create, inspire and empower students and the school community to connect with those around them to support anyone struggling with their mental health. This year our R U OK? Day celebrations will take place throughout the week. The Wellbeing Team at Brookside have organised and collaborated with members of the school and other wellbeing organisations, to run programs and events to raise the importance of mental health and wellbeing. Students and staff are encouraged to wear a splash of yellow to acknowledge the importance of this week.
We hope you have a wonderful weekend!
The Executive Team