A note from Mr Jackson

Book Week Brings Characters to Life


What a wonderful day Monday proved to be. Rosanna Primary was filled with the energy and the vibrance of literature as students roamed the yard as favourite book characters. Again, it proved a reminder of the power reading and stories in our lives. Thanks to all those carers who spent time sewing, pasting and arranging outfits that made us laugh and prompted us to rich conversations around book characters. The day was celebrated with our parade at the end of the day. It was great to see some parents share in the fun with their own outfits!


Working Bee This Saturday


All are welcome to join our Working Bee that is scheduled for this Saturday. We will gather at 9:00am at the staffroom to identify a range of roles and responsibilities. The day will end with a BBQ at 12noon. We're looking forward to beginning the transformation of the embankment outside the lower building. We are also hopeful of shaping some garden beds in the 3/4 Learning Area. Whether you come to prune, paint, clear drains, all are welcome! Please bring a wheelbarrow if you can, that will help us move soil that has been delivered to our new garden beds. Makes sure that you bring along some gloves and sturdy shoes for a busy morning. 


An Afternoon of Aboriginal Culture


Yesterday, a number of Aboriginal students students from across our network to explore Aboriginal culture through dance and storytelling. Those students who attended the workshop at the Barbunnin Beek gathering Space in Heidelberg, rehearsed and performed traditional dances celebrating the gathering of food and hunting. Thanks to staff, students and parents who participated in arranging this special event.


Shuffling Responsibilities


While I am looking forward to a period of leave over the next three weeks, Linda Whitechurch will step into the role as Acting Principal. She will be supported by Shannon Mitchell who will act as Assistant Principal. The roll of Learning Specialist for this period will be filled by Krista Scott. We are thrilled to welcome Kate Arnott who will ensure studetns in 34S continue to care for students in 34S. Her experience and familiarity with the school will ensure a smooth transition.


Busking for Change


We have been thrilled to report that we are ever so close to meeting our goal of $500 fundraising for the Busking for Change Project. The project sees students learning a common song that will be presented at the end of the term Assembly! All the funds raised help children  and families in remote communities access and create books in the languages they speak at home. If you would like to contribute please feel free to visit 
