Technology and Applied Studies

Students in year 7have been using the Adobe Illustrator software to introduce them to laser cutting and digital designs. Their first project has been to develop a laser-cut name tag and they are now developing a custom laser design project using the PRIME design process.
Year 7 Ag and Food students have been working on a fun video project about staying safe on the farm and in the kitchen. They are making a video to show important safety things, like how to use tools and cook food safely. The students are using their creativity to make the video interesting and helpful for everyone in our class and at school.
Year 8students have been working hard to generate an engineered solution to the Catapult project. In the first few weeks of term students devised a plan, researched and produced sketches of their catapult to be made as a physical working prototype from paddle-pop sticks, glue, rubber-bands and other materials. Students are now working on the construction phase of the prototype and will soon be testing these to evaluate the performance and to make adjustments where possible so as to improve accuracy, reliability, and distance. This entire project is being documented in a design portfolio.
The Year 8 students have been working on an exciting project where they are creating laser-cut lights from plywood, blending technology with their creative skills. With the guidance of their teachers, they're using Adobe Illustrator to design patterns that are then cut into plywood using a laser cutter. This hands-on experience is helping them improve their design and problem-solving abilities while balancing aesthetics and practicality.
Year 9 Timber students are currently working on a timber Trinket Box design with research, CAD modelling, drawings to Australian Standards, and a Bill of Materials ready to produce the product using timber hand tools and machines. Students have also been learning about the timber lathe and how to produce timber items with circular cross sections.
This termYear 9 are studying Food for Special Occasions. Their assessment task is a Birthday Cake Challenge for a child, with practical tasks exploring situations food is used as part of a celebration. These tasks include scones, sandwiches, decorated cupcakes and sausage rolls.
Students have been working hard on their campfire BBQ. They have developed the skills to Oxy-Acetylene weld and have just started using a MIG welder for their project. Towards the end of the term we should finish this project and move onto our next one.
Year 9 Agriculture students have been working on sheep production this semester. Students have been studying the sheep production calendar of operations and how certain aspects of management can influence the success of a sheep enterprise. During practical lessons, students have been working on sheep handling skills and have continued to manage their own vegetable production.
IST students have been studying the unit Digital Media this term. Students have investigated a variety of software and websites that allow for the creation of media, such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and have been developing their skills in the use of these. They are now working on a project requiring them to create a range of marketing materials for their own fictional company.
Year 9 Graphic students have been working in Adobe Illustrator to produce a laser cut plywood project with tabs and slots. This project stretches individual drawing skills in Illustrator and the thought processes used to imagine, develop and generate a 3D product.
Student’s are creating a themed recipe book which is complementing their practical development of skills in cooking. Students had the opportunity to put forward a recipe to be cooked by all classes. Students are experiencing a range of styles of cuisine and are learning the importance of recipe accuracy and how it impacts the finished product.
Year 10 are currently creating a dart board cabinet. The class is currently in the final stages of assembly showcasing their dedication and skill in woodworking. Throughout the project, the students have focused on refining their abilities with routers and Domino jointers, ensuring the cabinets edges are precisely shaped and the joints seamlessly integrate. As the cabinets near completion, anticipation is building for the moment when the class will reveal their creations, showcasing their hard work, attention to detail, and innovative design.
Students are focusing on the unit Food Trends and the reasons why some foods become popular with society. Their practical tasks include GiGi pasta, walking nachos and Oreo mug cakes. Their assessment task is to develop a new flavour for a muffin based on a researched trend.
Students are working through their Cattle Production unit that saw two teams battle it out in a MasterChef-style competition. Each team chose a product from cattle (beef or dairy) and made a dish to show off that product. Students are now working on their assessment task where they create a video highlighting their selected cattle breed.
Year 10 Metal students are close to finishing their bike lift project. The next stage students are looking forward to is sand blasting and spray painting before the final assembly. The CAD program 'On Shape' has assisted in the drawing components, with students developing skills and presenting them in their current Assessment Task.
Students are working this semester on their Student Interest Project (SIP). They have the choice over the project they undertake to solve a problem, create an environment or a system. Students have chosen a range of projects from designing new NBA teams, sports stadiums, redesigning rooms and housing, horse stables and shoe shops through to drum sticks. They are developing their projects through the use of the PRIME model of design to manage their project.
Year 11 Design and Technology students have recently completed a Minor Design Product and putting together a portfolio that documents the process. Throughout this project, students have been learning about the various factors that go into the design process. This project has not only allowed students to explore their design skills but has also given them a practical understanding of how different factors come together to shape a successful product.
After submitting their final written assessment, Year 11 Agriculture students are busy preparing for their End of Course Exams at the end of the term. Students are revising elements of animal and plant production, as well as their Farm Case Study.
Year 12 Design and Technology students have their Major Design Projects due this week. With the wide variety of designs being developed, the final display of student work should be impressive. No doubt students will be looking forward to completing their tasks after which investing so much time and effort.
Students have recently completed their Trial HSC examinations. From here, they will complete the last of their content in the elective unit, 'Farming for the 21st Century'. This explores the innovative technologies available to farmers and the impact they have on agriculture. Robotic milking systems, GPS tractors and genetically modified cotton are some of the examples the students will be focusing on.
Mater Dei has been fortunate to receive a fully computerised interactive science research station known as an iFarm. The iFarm contains 8 individual growing beds with automated irrigation, soil sensors and a worm composting system. The iFarm is fully powered by wind and solar, has its own weather system and can be remotely controlled.
Year 10, 11 and 12 Agriculture students will use this to run their planting trial in a completely controlled environment. Due to the iFarms interactive design, a number of different subject areas will utilise this as a learning tool.
Fifty six high schools across the nation in every State and Territory have received an iFarm this year. The iFarm project has been supported by funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry as part of the Educating Kids About Agriculture: iFarm program.
Mr Andrew Geurtsen | TAS KLA Leader