Principal's Address

In August each year, we celebrate two women of faith, whose commitment to love and learning are powerful models for our own learning community. In Week 4, we acknowledged the Patron Saint of our Diocese and Australia, St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, whose Feast Day occurred on 8 August.
The other is our College Patron Mary, the Mother of God, whom we celebrated last week on
15 August. Mater Dei in Latin means Mother of God. Each year we honour this significant day in the life of our community by celebrating the Marian Mass with Mater Dei Primary School and for the first time since 2019, our school communities joined in entirety for this very special event, which was celebrated by Fr Rafter. It was a joyous occasion for us all.
The importance of the Feast of the Assumption at Mater Dei is reflected in our College motto, which invites us all to respond as Mary did, to “live God’s message”. Mary’s love and devotion is captured in the Magnificat, the beautiful song from the first chapter of Luke:
My soul magnifies the Lord
And my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour;
Because he has regarded the lowliness of his handmaid;
For behold, henceforth all generations shall call me blessed;
Because he who is mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name;
And his mercy is from generation to generation those who fear him.
He has shown might with his arm,
He has scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones, and has exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
He has given help to Israel, his servant, mindful of his mercy.
Even as he spoke to our fathers, to Abraham and to his posterity forever. Amen
The Magnificat represents for us the very human Mary, full of love for God and of great compassion, so concerned about the needs of others. Mary has much to offer us as we search for justice through our own faith.
We keep Mary in our hearts and minds as we pray the Rosary, which is an important part of our Catholic tradition. This too offers an opportunity to reflect on the importance of discipleship and the place of Mary in our own lives.
At this time I also want to recognise two of our Staff members who were World Youth Day pilgrims; Mrs Jackie Walker and Ms Emma Thomson.
Recently returned from Portugal, they have both been imbued by the spirit through their experience and are even more deeply committed to sharing the message of the Gospels with our Mater Dei community, through their words and deeds.
This year, Social Justice Sunday will be celebrated on 27 August, in keeping with the recently introduced plan to acknowledge it on the last Sunday of August. For almost every year since 1940, our Bishops have joined together to issue a major social justice statement at this time of the year to inspire reflection and action.
The 2023 theme is Overcoming Barriers and Unleashing Opportunities for Social Justice and it builds upon the Social Justice Statement 2022-23, which calls out violence and abuse of women and children in our society and calls for transformation.
The 2022 media statement, which is integral to this theme, on Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse points out that the roots of domestic and family violence “lie in the abuse of power to control and dominate others” and that “this stands in contrast to the relationships to which God calls us”.
It says that our relationships should be “marked by equality and reciprocity rather than domination and violence, respect and freedom rather than coercion and control”.
“We know that most often those who suffer violence and abuse in homes and families, in workplaces, and in communities, are women and children while the perpetrators are most often men. We support women in calling for respect in relationships; their lives and those of their children are sacred.
Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse focuses in a special way on the problem of spiritual violence and abuse. It discusses how religious teachings – including our own – may be manipulated by perpetrators to excuse violence or to exert control over others.
Cultural factors in the Church and in society often also play an important role in the violence and abuse suffered in families, households, communities, and workplaces. The statement describes this behaviour as being sinful.”
The Statement goes on to say “We believe that respect, dignity and justice, transformation and hope are possible”.
It affirms the work being done by faith communities and organisations to support those who experience domestic and family violence and abuse, and to address the drivers and enablers of violence. It points to further ways in which we can all respond to spiritual violence.
Finally, it calls for faith communities to support and believe those going through domestic and family violence and abuse, to hold perpetrators to account and work towards individual and social transformation. (Bishops’ Conference Media Release 2022)
In the spirit of this important Statement and the 2023 Social Justice theme, we pray for the respect and dignity of all people, especially those impacted by family violence and abuse, using the words provided by the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace for this occasion:
Loving God, you made each of us in your image and likeness.
Open our eyes to recognise one another as equals,
replacing domination and control, violence, and abuse,
with mutuality, reciprocity, respect, and freedom.
Help us to love like you.
Jesus Christ, you rejected the use of religious traditions to justify violence.
Teach us to unmask manipulations of our faith used
to justify violent, abusive, or coercive behaviour.
Teach us to be people who show tenderness,
respect and care for others as you did.
Holy Spirit, you are with us always, showing us the way.
Move us to assist those who experience violence and
abuse, and support their call for justice.
Empower us to hold perpetrators of violence and abuse
responsible, encouraging them to change their behaviour. Amen
On Wednesday evening the Mount Erin Boarding community gathered for a very special celebration to mark the end of Boarding for the Year 12 Graduands in just a few short weeks.
Fr Sean Byrnes celebrated Mass in the Mount Erin Chapel with students taking on special roles as readers and musicians.
With Year 12 parents, Leadership from CEDWW and the Colleges, Sr Barbara Webber and the Year 7 to 11 Boarders all present, it was a very special occasion. Each of the graduands was presented with their Mount Erin candle by the Director of CEDWW Dr Andrew Watson, a tradition that encourages students to go into the world to light the way, in the spirit of Nano Nagle.
Following Mass and photos in the Chapel, the Year 12 graduands, invited guests and parents attended the Graduation Dinner at the Rules Club. As well as enjoying a delicious dinner and hospitality together, the evening allowed the Head of Boarding Mr John Bussenchutt and the Senior Boarding Coordinators Mrs Jackie Tassell and Mr Michael McTaggart to individually farewell the students. As well, the Principals thanked the staff and acknowledged the contribution of parents as partners in their children’s boarding experience. The very enjoyable event concluded with thank you speeches from the Boarding Captains and more photo opportunities for their families.
We wish all Year 12 Boarders every success in the upcoming HSC examinations.
As we draw to the end of the Year 12 Course at the end of Week 10 this term, it is important that we gather information from this cohort of students and their parents/carers to assist with future planning. This will again take the form of an online survey that takes about 15 minutes to complete. Parents and students will be contacted by email by the external company conducting the survey. The Parent/Carer Survey will open on Monday 28 August for two weeks and students will complete the survey at school on Tuesday 5 September.
Congratulations to our students who have represented the College in a variety of sports in recent weeks. We are also proud of their efforts and their achievements as great ambassadors. I especially congratulate our Junior and Senior Netball Teams, who are the Combined Catholic Colleges Championship winning teams - an extraordinary achievement!
We have a number of staff changes this term and for 2024:
- As per the Compass announcement sent to parents, Mr Lawrence is retiring at the end of the 2023 school year after 19 years of dedicated service to the College.
- Ms Amber Walker has submitted her resignation from her teaching position from the end of this term.
- Mr Steve Hughes has submitted his resignation as a member of the Grounds and Maintenance Team from the end of this term after 19 years of service.
- Mrs Trish Fellows has also announced her retirement from the end of this year.
- Mr Ben Brooke will be taking leave in 2024 to pursue learning opportunities overseas.
- We have several staff members returning in a part time capacity in 2024 and anticipate further staff movements for next year, which will be announced in due course, when they have been confirmed.
We have a number of ill and injured students and I ask that our community prays for their recovery and return to good health.
We have enjoyed a fantastic Book Week and a full report will be included in the Week 9 Newsletter.
Mrs Val Thomas | Principal