Education in Faith

Sunday 1st December - 1st Sunday of Advent
This weekend, we light the candle of LOVE on the Advent wreath.
As we light the candle of LOVE, we remember our own actions and think about the way can share the joy of the true meaning of Christmas in our world.
Our Advent Prayer
God of hope, who brought love into this world,
be the love that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought peace into this world,
be the peace that dwells between us.
God of hope, who brought LOVE into this world,
be the love that dwells between us.
God of hope, the rock we stand upon,
be the centre, the focus of our lives
always, and particularly this Advent time.
Come, Lord Jesus, and show us the way to be your light to all in need. To clear away the darkness, we light a candle of LOVE.
St Vincent de Paul Appeal Free Dress Day - Friday 13th December.
o support families in need this Christmas, we are having a Free Dress Day, on Friday 13th December with the theme of ‘A touch of Christmas’. Wear something Christmassy and bring in a non-perishable food item to “pay” for the privilege. Help us make some great Christmas Hampers and make a difference to someone’s Christmas. Each year level has been allocated some items we would like you to focus on donating. This is so we can get a good range of foods.
Donations are being accepted in classrooms from now until 13th December.
Class Level Food Suggestions
Prep/1 – cereal/long life milk
Year 2/3/4– tea/coffee/biscuits (sweet/savoury)/ tinned foods (eg fruit/vegetables/fish/meat/soup)
Year 5/6 – rice/pasta/sauces to make a meal
Of course, ALL donations are welcome and are not limited to specific year levels.
St Vincent de Paul has requested that these items are undamaged and have a use-by date beyond September 2025.