Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
Student of the Week
A list of student's who received 'Student of the Week' this week
P.E. - Roland - 6A for demonstrating a positive attitude and determination when attempting the sof-cross tasks. Great Job Roland!
Visual Arts - Tyler 3A - Tyler has shown great focus and integrity in art. He remained calm while frustrated and continued persisting until he mastered the tricky skill. He exemplifies the school value of “Be a Learner”. Congratulations Tyler!
LLI (Year 4) - Rhys 4C for your great start to LLI this term. Keep working hard and reading at home too. You have got this!
LLI (Year 1) - Avei-Latai 1B for making a great start to the L.L.I. program. Avei-Latai, you should feel very proud of the level of effort and focus that you are applying to the learning tasks. Keep up the great work.
5A - Razan for being a great role model both inside and outside the classroom, being responsible and picking up rubbish that isn’t even yours and being friendly and dutiful when working in the classroom. Great job Razan, keep it up!
5B - Tha Tha for showing our school values of integrity, resilience, and pride, showing exceptional effort in all learning tasks, as well as great pride in her work, especially in her persuasive writing this week. Well done, Tha Tha!
5C - Ava has been chosen by her peers for her kindness and respect within the classroom. Well done for following the school values and being a leader within the classroom. Keep it up :)
4B - Alice for being a respectful and caring class member and consistently demonstrating the school values. Well done Alice! Keep shining!
4C - Semaet for exemplifying our school values of integrity, resilience, and pride, showing exceptional effort in all learning tasks, as well as great pride in her work, especially in her persuasive writing this week. Well done, Semaet!
3A - Avery for displaying an excellent commitment to his learning this week. Avery produced a terrific retell of ‘Boy—Phil Cummings’ using his own words. Well done, Avery for being so focused! You should be very pleased with yourself.
3B - Felix N for following the behaviour expectation of 'Be a Learner' by showing focus and persistence when working on his digital graphs. You have worked hard to complete the tasks - well done, Felix!
3C - Hargun for her valued contribution to class discussions. She is a persistent learner and is continuing to demonstrate increased confidence in her ability to share her ideas, with both her peers and the whole class. Keep up the fantastic work!
2A - Richy for working so hard to achieve his reading goals and being able to identify all the letter names and sounds of the alphabet! Well done Richy, you should be so proud of yourself.
2B - Jolisa consistently demonstrating a strong commitment to her learning, being an exemplary role model, and showing respect as a valued member of the class.
2C - Joseph for constantly being a wonderful role model to his peers. He consistently displays the DPW values, and the respect and kindness he shows towards others is incredible. Well done, Joseph!
1A - Isabella for being a great role model by consistently showing whole body listening and completing learning tasks with pride. Well done Isabella, keep up the great work!
1B - Luke Has been awarded Student of the Week for his incredible whole body listening and focus during independent reading. Luke is a great model to all his peers , by continuously displaying what being a learner looks like.
Highlighted Students
Lower primary:
1B - Luke has been awarded Student of the Week for his incredible whole body listening and focus during independent reading. Luke is a great model to all his peers , by continuously displaying what being a learner looks like.
Upper primary:
P.E. - Roland - 6A for demonstrating a positive attitude and determination when attempting the sof-cross tasks. Great Job Roland!