Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Assistant Principal Reports
Deanne Scott/Spira Antonopoulos
Hello Everyone,
Please use the supervised crossing
When picking up or dropping off your child/ren, please use the supervised crossings.
We have been noticing a number of adults, with children, just crossing the road directly in front of the main school gate. We have also had some parents parking their car across the road and calling their child to run over to them. While you may not see this as an issue, it is demonstrating to students that this is ok. Young children can form the belief that this is safe behaviour and they try to copy. Recently, I have had to stop some children from running across the road.
Please assist by being an excellent role model and use the supervised crossing, or have your child cross the road at the supervised crossing to come to you.
Canteen Service
Thank you to all of the DPW families who responded to the survey about a canteen service that we may be able to utilise. We had a great response and the majority of families said that they were interested in this service.
I will contact the provider and gain further information about how it works, around their availability of delivery (would it only certain days in our area, etc?) and what we may need to do to register. I will share more information before the end of term.
Upstander Award
To encourage students to help promote respectful behaviour and call out disrespectful behaviour, we have had the Upstander Award in place over this semester. Students can elect to be presented this award either publicly or privately, depending on the situation. Students can be nominated by another student and/or a staff member.
Last term we awarded three Upstander Awards to students.
This term, to date, we have awarded one Upstander Award.
I am looking forward to recognising more students with this award.
Pride and Integrity Raffle
This raffle, to recognize all of the students who are attending school on time, will continue this year. This is to acknowledge the students demonstrating Pride and Integrity by being ready to learn each day.
Every student who is at school, and in their classroom, before the bell (9am) will have their name added to the class attendance box. So, if they are present on time, every day of the week, they will have 5 entries into the raffle.
Unfortunately, there was no Pride & Integrity Raffle last week.
2024 Term 4 Challenge of the Week
Creative Thinking Challenges
This term, the challenge will be a variety of tasks that require you to think as broadly as you can. The more weird and wonderful, the better! You may need to draw designs and/or write words to answer the challenge.
You must collaborate with 1 -3 friends or family members (no more than 4 people per entry).
Only one student collaborated for week 5’s Challenge and has earnt 2 PACs.
They were:
Yawer 4B (& mum & baba)
Week 6’s Challenge
Design/brainstorm the world’s most amazing, fantastic and fast bicycle.
Please hand your answers to the office before 3.30pm on Wednesday 20th November.
Kind regards,
Deanne Scott
Assistant Principal
Spira Antonopoulos
Acting Assistant Principal