
On Thursday 26 November our helpful Early Act club, Miss McClure, Miss K and Mr P were kindly invited to one of the Rowville-Lysterfield Rotary meetings in a well-known cafe, Tosaria’s restaurant. At 6:30pm our members and leaders arrived and at 7:00pm we begun a night of achievements and goals. Their President for Rotary, Jenny spoke about their future fundraising updates and meeting arrangements.
After their introduction they invited a fundraising group named Wheelchairs for kids which was established in 1996. They distribute their affordable and life changing wheelchairs to over 80 countries around the world and they only cost $275 which is much cheaper than normal ones. In June this year they had reached a major milestone of 60,000 wheelchairs for kids. They have changed so many lives [to find out more go to https://wheelchairsforkids.org/].
After the presentation, we enjoyed ourselves with burgers and chips provided for free by the Rotarians. It was really a scrumptious meal. Then it was the leaders time to shine with our Semester 2 achievements. From our Zooper Dooper sales we have raised over $1000 for ShareSpace which is a big accomplishment. Also, we have planted our new friendship tree, the Illawarra flame tree and our new sport stands for the Year 3-6 classrooms. The Prep- Year 2 stands are being shipped and should be placed in all classrooms at the end of the year or early next year.
Overall, the night was an inspiring and enjoyable time with new objectives claimed and new ones to be created.
By Ellee Kutschera
EarlyAct Secretary
Park Ridge is a proud donation partner of the Container Deposit Scheme. The EarlyAct Club have been involved in setting this up and they hope to raise enough funds through this venture to put sports equipment stands in every classroom.
If you would like to help us fundraise for this, simply collect cans and bottles that have the 10c marker on them and return them to your local Container Deposit Facility. If you download the CDS Vic North and CDS Vic East Apps and search for Park Ridge as a donation partner, a barcode appears that you can then scan when you deposit your containers. The funds will be processed straight into our Park Ridge account.
The closest refund points to Park Ridge are:
- Rowville Milk Bar: 318 Dandelion Drive, Rowville
- CDS Vic Depot Rowville: 54 Henderson Road, Rowville
- Wellington Village Shopping Centre: 1100 Wellington Road, Rowville
Thank-you for your ongoing support.
The EarlyAct Club