General News

Book Fair

A very big thank you to the St Paul community for supporting our Book Fair last week. This yearly event helps to support the collection development of our school library. The Fair was very successful raising approximately $2000 in commission which enables us to purchase lots of great books for the library. All items for reorder have been submitted and as soon as they arrive they will be delivered to children. 

PE Week Donations

In Week 5, we are celebrating PE week, which is a whole week dedicated to being happy, healthy and active! The week is FULL of activities and excitement and includes a whole school scavenger hunt, a PE/Sport Quiz, a nail-biting staff vs Seniors netball game and some health hustles. Select children will also be competing in an Athletics carnival against our connected schools network to try and regain their title of Endeavour Cup champions!

Each year, we reach out to families and ask for donations towards our prize packs for our winners of competitions throughout the week. Suggestions include: Sports equipment, fidgets, vouchers, fun stationery (pencils/erasers).

Please get in touch with Miss Karly Bartlett: if you would like to donate, or bring any donatable items to the front office prior to Week 5!


As PLASTIC bread tags are no longer used in SA we will cease to collect them. 

Please deposit any PLASTIC bread tags you have saved, in the jar on the table in the Front Office, by the end of November.

A massive thankyou to all those who have saved the bread tags over the years to help those less fortunate than us.


Term Dates

Term 4: 15 October - 11 December


God’s Word | 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Acceptance | Romans 15:7 

Excellence | 1 Corinthians 10:31 

Respect  | Luke 6:31 

Compassion | 1 John 3:18 

Hope | Titus 3:7 

Community | 2 Corinthians 13:13 

Love | 1 Corinthians 13:4-8a