FORPS, Parents & Community

2025 Fair update
Last week the fair committee met with some interested parents and carers, keen to get another fair underway for November 2025. The fair is a significant fund raiser for the school, with over $35,000 raised last year. An amazing effort! This money was put towards the landscaping around the assembly area.
Unfortunately only 11 people were able to make the meeting last week, and therefore many of the roles have remained unfilled. To put this in perspective, when we put a call out for the 2023 fair, we had about 40 people come along, so our helper numbers are well down.
In the last week, Jackie and Kym have reached out to many people who were involved last time to see if they are able to help out this time, and this has boosted the parents involved to just under 20, but we still need more help.
We are going to have another meeting on Thursday 14th November, 7:30 Chandler Hall to decide if we will go ahead with the fair. We need to fill the below roles before we can press the GO button.
The following roles remain vacant or partly vacant (eg we may need 2-3 people to assist and have 1-2 volunteers so far)
- Entertainment
- Food and drink (including bar)
- Rides
- Stall coordinator
- Waste management
Many of the individual stalls remain unfilled as well.
- Bar
- Biscuit decorating
- Center management
- Chillout zone
- Chocolate trailer
- Devonshire tea (We have 1 out of 2 people needed for this)
- Dunk tank
- Fairy floss/guess the lollies
- Silent auction
All roles have written procedures and guides to help you get started, plus the Fair Co-ordinating team will provide significant support for you as we all work together.
We are really excited about the fair and we really want to run one in 2025. However, if we don't get interested parents and carers to help, then we wont be able to do it.
It is also worth explaining, that the Fair Committee is separate to FORPS. FORPS still run all the regular events through the year (BBQ's, Mothers/Fathers day stalls, School disco plus more). The fair is in addition to all of this and we need significant people power. So, if you would like your child to have a super fun time at the 2025 fair, then please consider coming along to the meeting on Thursday 14th Nov. We would prefer you to come along in person if you can, but if you cant make it, Jackie has set up a zoom link (see details below). And if you cant attend at all, then please reach out to Jackie and let her know you are interested and what you want to help with. Please email or text her 0413218761
Thanks so much, from the fair committee team
Topic: 2025 Fair meeting
Time: Nov 14, 2024 07:30pm
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