
This semester Prep students have continued to display their enthusiasm in greeting and responding to simple conversational phrases such as Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo …. My name is …. Quanti anni hai? Ho sei anni. I am 6 years old. Come stai? How are you? I am good / not well / so so. Sto bene / male / cosi cosi. They are counting much more confidently and accurately to 10 and have started to build their way to 20. Prep students made muffin pizzas in the kitchen learning names of the toppings i.e. formaggio e passata. They are becoming more automatic in articulating the names of most of the colours, some animals, classroom items, some fruits and family members. They thoroughly enjoy learning through games and songs. They even learn to sing Baby Shark in Italian Bimbo Squalo.
Grade 1
Grade 1 students have continued to revise all concepts taught this semester: names of family members - mamma, papà`, fratello, sorella, zio, zia, io, nonno, nonna, colours, days of the week - lunedi`, martedi`, mercoledi`, giovedi`, venerdi`, sabato, domenica, body parts, shapes - cerchio, quadrato, triangolo, rettangolo, some farm animals, classroom items and some plants. Grade 1 students have also continued revising their ability to accurately count from numbers 0 to 20. Students are more automatic with their responses to answering simple conversational questions and greeting others according to the time of day and to whom they are communicating with.
Grade 2
Grade 2 students have continued to work with great enthusiasm and to the best of their abilities to complete set tasks. Their automatic responses to conversational questions is wonderful. Students have continued to revise all concepts taught this semester: names of the days of the week, months of the year, classroom items, some farm animals, family members, shapes, types of weather, the Italian alphabet, numbers, instructional language, classroom items, some names of rooms in the house. Grade 2 students have certainly built up a word bank to use in simple role play scripts, which they thoroughly enjoy.
Arrivederci, Signora Marson.