Grade 6

At the end of the year, Grade 6 is always fun! From making ice cream to doing an ultimate frisbee tournament, the end of year Grade 6 activities satisfy everyone after the hard 3 terms of Grade 6. Now let's talk about some of the main events YOU should look forward to when you are in Grade 6.
Ice-Cream Inventor
Ice-Cream Inventor may sound like Integrated, but it's actually a maths unit! You're probably wondering how, or why. It's because profit, money, graphs and data are all involved in the process, and those steps are all maths concepts. Each grade votes someone, particularly a pair, to make delicious ice cream with a good profit and a good marketing scheme. The winners of the voting then get to sell their ice cream to another class making it a fun, sociable and delicious maths unit.
Ultimate frisbee
Ultimate Frisbee is a tournament where everyone gets a chance to meet new people, show off their sporting skills and have fun! In ultimate frisbee, the year level is split into 16 teams. We make sure the teams are spread out according to sporting ability. Throughout term 4, there will be a tournament between the 16 teams. This will go on instead of Grade 6 Sport.
Like everyone else, we had the amazing fete that our wonderful PFA had organised for us! This year's 6’s are very lucky as they got to go to the fete in the year they will be leaving for high school. This memorable moment will go into their memory pages for sure and they won’t forget it at all.
“Yawn, I'm so tired that I could sleep for a hundred years!” That's right, this week we had our crazy and enthusiastic dance where kids had fun dancing with their friends and classmates. All kids put in a lot of effort which we are very thankful for. We would like to thank Maddison McCaughan and Akhilesh Ravikumar, 2024 school captains, for being our amazing hosts. We would also like to thank Kira, our dance instructor, for giving up her time for everyone so they get an amazing opportunity to dance like crazy. Last but not least, we would like to thank the teachers and students for performing their dances and for being a wonderful audience.
Bear making
OMG this year is almost done! Every year the Grade 6’s will be starting to make their bears for people to sign. We will begin next Monday the 18th of November and will enjoy this time laughing and decorating our bears. What's even better, we get to make the bears ourselves! This will be a big job but a fun one!
Anika & Lizzie