Grade 2

We are midway through Term 4 and students have been busy participating in many events over the last couple of weeks, culminating in the Oatlands Dance Production. We have been so impressed with the students’ energy, enthusiasm and dedication, not only with learning their dances but also with their performances this week. A huge thank you to all of the families, who assisted with preparing student costumes and outfits and turning up on the day of the production to support the students.
In Mathematics, students have been consolidating their understanding of concepts learnt throughout the year. They have continued to familiarise themselves with directional language and maps, the place value system and they have explored the relationships between addition, subtraction, multiplication and division through activities related to the recent Oatlands Fete. Students also revisited the concepts of telling time to the quarter hour and identifying the probability of events happening, which was linked to the recent Melbourne Cup.
Students have begun the term by immersing themselves into persuasive writing through the exploration of persuasive text structures and features. They have learnt more about the types of language which makes texts persuasive as well as how a persuasive text is structured. Students applied their understanding towards writing their own persuasive texts, based on opinions which they feel strongly about.
As we begin our exploration of Connections this semester, students have developed an understanding of the past. They began the topic by exploring various objects from the past and made attempts to identify their uses. During the term, they have learnt about various events and inventions and put them into context by placing them on a timeline ranging from the 1500s to the present. Later in the term, students will attempt to identify an everyday item, which they can improve to make people’s lives easier.
Warm regards,
The Grade 2 Team