Trivia Night is next Friday 7pm-pay on the night!
Dress in your favourite Christmas outfit!
We have a fantastic night planned, you are not going to want to miss this one-Raffle, silent auction, games, laughs, fun...and a few trivia question thrown in there as well!
Raffle tickets are available at the office or on the night 3 for $5 or $2 each. There are heaps of amazing prizes but you have to be in it to win it!
An enormous thank you to everyone who has sponsored our night. We have so many AMAZING PRIZES!!!! So far we have prizes donated by:
-Terri White Chemist -Ocean Reach Brewery -Island Primary Produce
-Bass Strait Direct -Animal Tails Pet Supplies -Hotel Phillip Island
-Shakedelic - Jim's Bait & Tackle -San Remo Post Office
-One Stop Discount Shop -Rosie Hair and Events -Super Nail Care and Spa
- Petstock Cowes -Mon Dieu -Flowers of Phillip Island
-San Remo Butcher - Backyard Botany -Hectic
-Island Surfboards -Succlulents in a Box -Lightique Lights and Fans
-Cowes Newsagency -Woolamai Pizza -Burnt Toast
-Bang Bang -Island Burgers -Sugar Theory
-Full Circle -Wooli Tavern -Woolami General Grocer
-Island Pies -Cowes Coastal Candles -Island Pilates
-Zoe Wood Movement -Phillip Island Gym -Sweet n Sassy
-Sharntay Illustrations -Ziggy Hair -Luna Park
-Tidal River Cruises -Smoothheart -Archie Brothers Cirque Electric - Caribbean Rollerama -Her Skin Spa -5 Acres Accommodation
-A Maze 'n' Things -Phillip Island RSL -Gifted Things
-PI Ten Pin Bowling -Fields and Seas -IGA Cowes
-My Wildflower and co -Island Cookie Box -Hair by Karra
-Their Care (our new Before/after school care providers)