
Be Kind, Be safe, Be respectful, Be responsible, Be resilient, Be ready
Term 4 Important Dates
- Monday 2nd December - Vinnies Giving tree commences - Open Water Swimming Safety Years 3 - 6
- Tuesday 3rd December -
- Step into Prep (PE and Buddies)
- Mary MacKillop College Orientation Day
- EOY Celebration to Summersault Years Prep - 2
- Friday 6th December- TRIVIA NIGHT!!!!!!
Week 10 ADVENT
- Monday 9th December - S
- Surfing Years 1 - 6
- BCC transition day
- Tuesday 10th December -
- Whole school transition day 9 am - 12 pm
- BCC transition day
- Step into Prep 9 am - 12 pm
- Carols by the Bay (Choir performing)
- Wednesday 11th December - Year 6 Big Day Out
- Thursday 12th December- VINNIES GIVING TREE ITEMS COLLECTED and social justice team packing hampers
Week 11 ADVENT
- Monday 16th December - OLSS Christmas Carols
- Tuesday 17th December
- End of Year Mass and Year 6 Graduation 9:15am
- Last Day for 2024