Deputy Principal's Report

Dear Families,


As we near the end of Week 7 in Term Four, I can’t help but wonder—where has the year gone?! How is it that our Year Six students are almost at the end of their primary school journey, and our Prep students have grown into such independent, capable helpers, ready to welcome our incoming 2025 Preps?


I want to take a moment to thank everyone who makes our school such a vibrant and welcoming community. To our incredible staff, your hard work and dedication in the classroom do not go unnoticed. Your energy, enthusiasm, and care for our students are truly appreciated. To our parents and carers, thank you for your kindness and for always stopping to say hello at the gate—it’s such a pleasure to see your warm smiles and have a chance to chat with you each day. 


This week’s Prep Orientation Morning was a wonderful success. It was heartwarming to see our future Preps exploring their new classrooms, meeting the 2025 Prep teachers, and starting their journey with us. A big thank you to everyone who contributed to making this event so special for our new families.


I’m also looking forward to tomorrow’s Athletics Carnival! A huge thanks to Mr. Edwards for organising what promises to be a fantastic day of fun, teamwork, and school spirit. We hope to see many of you there, cheering on our students as they give their all.


Wishing you all a relaxing weekend ahead—enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather!


2025 Stationery Order Update


We are making some changes to our stationery ordering process for 2025 to streamline the system and help reduce costs for families. This year, we have partnered with Maxim for our stationery needs. Families will need to order exercise books and a few larger stationery items exclusively through the Maxim Parent Portal. These items will be specified, and it is essential to purchase them through this company to ensure all students have the same required materials. 

Please ensure all orders are placed by Sunday the 15th December to recieve free shipping, orders placed after this date will incur a $15 fee as the packs will be delivered directly to the school during the holidays and labelled by staff.


How to online order with Maxim Office Group Pty Ltd

Dear Parents, 

Many thanks for supporting St Patrick’s Catholic PS with the online portal for Bookpack purchasing. We have partnered with Maxim Office Group Pty Ltd to ensure a seamless school start for 2024. Packs will be delivered to the school for collection.

Please note:

Orders must be placed by Sunday 15th of December to ensure delivery is on time.

Any orders after this date will incur a late order processing fee of $15 and will be delivered within the 1st two weeks of February. 


To order your Bookpack:

  1. Please follow this link: or go to our main website and click the link ‘BOOKLIST’ as indicated below
  2. Your access code is: STPATMENTO

*Please note this is capital sensitive. Please enter code as displayed in screen.

  1. Select the year level required for order This is the year your child is going into for 2025.
  2. Please ensure that the students’ name, your name and contact details are given and correct
  3. Select ‘Place order’
  4. If purchasing more than one booklist, please select ‘Add another booklist’ and follow the same procedure from step 3
  5. Select ‘Proceed to payment options’
  6. Your total payment amount required will display on screen
  7. Select ‘Pay Now’
  8. Please choose your check-out option – Credit/ Direct Debit available. Ensure payment details are correctly entered
  9. You will receive a payment receipt and an order confirmation to the email address you provided
  10. Your child’s pack/s will be delivered to the school for collection 



In addition to the Maxim order, I am also providing a supplementary stationery list- St Patrick’s Student Stationery Requirement List. This list will include items such as pencil case essentials—colouring pencils, erasers, rulers, etc.—which you can either purchase from a retailer of your choice (e.g., Woolworths, Big W, Officeworks) or reuse from this year if they are still in good condition and are expected to last the entire year. This approach aims to reduce costs for families while supporting sustainability through the reuse of suitable items.

Please remember to label all these items at home before sending them to school. Thank you for your cooperation in making this new system as smooth and efficient as possible for everyone!

Please Click HERE for St Patrick’s Student Stationery Requirement List and select the correct Year Level Tab 


With summer and the warmer weather quickly approaching, I’d like to remind all students to come prepared with their hats and sunscreen each day at school. As we spend more time outdoors, it’s essential that everyone stays protected from the sun’s UV rays.


Parents, it would be greatly appreciated if you could teach your children to apply sunscreen at home before they come to school in the morning. This not only helps start their day off with good coverage but also ensures they’re familiar with the routine, as students will need to reapply during the day. By building this habit at home, we can work together to keep everyone sun safe.

A helpful reminder for all of us is the Cancer Council’s “Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek, and Slide” slogan. This easy-to-remember message encourages children to Slip on a shirt, Slop on sunscreen, Slap on a hat, Seek shade, and Slide on sunglasses whenever they’re outside. Practicing these sun safety steps helps build lifelong habits that protect skin health.

Thank you for your support in encouraging sun-smart habits! Let’s work together to ensure a safe, enjoyable, and healthy summer season for everyone.

Random Acts of Kindness


I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to the following students for their outstanding display of kindness and compassion towards others. Your willingness to support, encourage, and uplift those around you has set a wonderful example for our entire school community. It’s incredibly inspiring to see students across different year levels go out of their way to make others feel valued, included, and respected.


Your acts of kindness—whether through small gestures or significant efforts—are powerful reminders of the positive impact we can all have. Thank you for embodying the values that make our school a welcoming and caring place for everyone. Keep up the amazing work!

Week 6


Harry R. (1KP), Matty G. (1KP)  Sunny F. (1BT), Max S. (1KP), Jack T. (1BT) Ellia M. (1BT)  For being magnificent helpers to Mrs Diakrousis in the Wellbeing Hub.

Jack H. (4MH), Mila L. (4MH), Sana V. (4MH) for being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

Robert D. (2BL) For working hard all week and for being cheerful and helping another classmate with their work.

Mason S. (2BL)  For looking after his friend on the playground and staying back with him when he ran out of energy during a game of tiggy.

Brooklyn V. (2BL) For being a good friend and helping others.

Max Z. (5SB), James W. and Jasper D. (5SB) For being inclusive and supportive to others when playing basketball

Hadrian C. (5ID) For using beautiful manners towards his teachers

Leo A. (3IM) and Archie M. (4MH)  For being a kind and considerate listener to others



Extra-Special Kindness Awards 

Jemima W. (4MS) 1. For being a kind and proactive classmate by helping pack up another students workspace without being asked when they had to leave early. 

2. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

3. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Phillip B. (5JD)  1. For being a kind and proactive classmate by helping pack up another students workspace without being asked when they had to leave early. 

2. For being inclusive and supportive to others when playing basketball


Will N. (4MS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Ruby S. (4IS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Antonia P. (4IS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


James C. (4MS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Chloe C. (4IS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Indi T. (4MS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.


Caitlin C. (4IS) 1. For being outstanding Student Ambassadors at the Prep Orientation Morning. 

2. For being a wonderful organiser and helping Mrs Diakrousis set up the Wellbeing Hub.

Week 7 BounceBack – Resilience Program 

This week, I’ve been fortunate enough to resume our BounceBack – Resilience Skills Program.

Our focus for the week has been on introducing resilience to students. I began by asking if they’ve ever tried something that didn’t go as planned. From there, we explained that resilience is our ability to “bounce back” and persevere, even when faced with difficulties.

The students have been developing essential skills, including:

  • Understanding the concept of resilience and why it’s important to “bounce back” from challenges.
  • Exploring and practising strategies for self-regulation when dealing with setbacks.
  • Beginning to identify and use mindfulness techniques to manage emotions and remain calm.

It’s been a wonderful week of learning and growth as students build their resilience skills, which will serve them well in all areas of life.

St Patrick's Prayer

For those parents who attend our school assemblies or school mass, I am including a copy of the St Patrick's School Prayer. 


Dear God,  


We at St Patrick’s Primary in Mentone believe that Christ is in the heart of all.  


As with our role model, St Patrick, we pray that Christ will be with us, within us, behind us, beside us and before us.


Through our actions of love and kindness may everyone in our community come to know that Christ is the heartbeat of our school.


May everyone in our school feel welcomed, loved, accepted, safe and inspired to learn for the greater good of our world.


St Patrick, pray for us


St Mary MacKillop, pray for us


Wishing you all a relaxing weekend ahead—enjoy the sunshine and warmer weather!



Kindest regards,


Joelle Diakrousis

Deputy Principal

Learning Diversity Leader 

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