Religious Education

Christmas Carols Assembly
St Patrick's School is happy to announce we will be performing Christmas Carols for our final whole school assembly on Monday 16th December at Kilbreda College's hall. Each class will perform a Christmas song as well as our Senior and Junior choirs. All families and friends are invited to attend and asked to please arrive by 9:15am to find your seat (first in best dressed basis). Students are invited to wear a Christmas tshirt and/or a Christmas accessory. It will be hosted by our Grade 6 leaders who will also be presenting birthday stickers and awards. We look forward to seeing you at the joyous event!
Christmas Hampers at St Patricks
It's that time of year again! Let us remember Jesus' example of loving the poor and helping those less fortunate during this season of Advent and Christmas. Each class at St Patrick's has been assigned through our Parish's St Vincent de Paul society, a person, household or family in our community who need extra support. Donations are welcome from this week until Week 10 Wednesday 11th Decemeber. Please see the attached file your class' donation hamper:
Christmas Children's Choir
Mrs. Earle is running a Children's Christmas Choir for St Patrick’s Parish to sing at the 6.00pm Christmas Vigil Mass this year. There will be a practice run by Mrs. Earle hosted at school tomorrow (Friday 4th) at lunch time. Students in the choir may practice the songs at home by clicking the link here. If you have any further questions about rehearsals or times, you may contact Mrs Earle through the Parish office on: 9583 2103
John preaches repentance and baptises in the region of the Jordan.
Unpacking the Scriptures
This Sunday is the second Sunday of Advent. This week and next, our Gospel readings tell us about John the Baptist and his relationship to Jesus. John the Baptist is part of a history of great prophets (messengers of God) who preach repentance (turning away from sin). John quotes another prophet called Isaiah from the Old Testament, reminding the people of Israel to change their bad ways and repair their relationship with God.
John the baptist is last of the prophets because he now welcomes the one they’ve all been preparing for - Jesus.
Let’s take this time of Advent to prepare our hearts to welcome Jesus at Christmas. When we were baptised, we were baptised as a prophet - a messenger of God ourselves. Take a moment to think about how you can be more of a messenger of God in your thoughts, actions and words. What does a messenger of God look like today?
Family Connection
During the busy time of Decemeber when things feel more rushed, we can forget about the needs of others, become burnt out, overwhelmed or even short tempered as commitments and preparations pile on. Advent asks the complete opposite of us - to slow down, detach ourselves from unnecessary wants, spend time serving others and be still in prayer. Take a moment each day to pause and ask God what He is calling you to do in the context of your home, school, family, friendships, workplace and local community to be a messenger of God’s love - a person of hope, faith, joy and peace. When children can become more focused on presents and ‘receiving’, remind them that true happiness is not found in things but people. Remember to practice gratitude for the little gifts God blesses us with each day.
Gather together around the family Advent wreath or Nativity scene, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel Luke 3:1-6. Discuss together as a family, what repentance means and why reconciliaiton is important. Make an examination of conscience silently. Reflect on what are some bad habits to let go of this Advent? Moments we may have hurt someone's feelings? Lost our patience? Neglected our work and service to others? Take a moment to say sorry in your heart - knowing God hears your prayer and ask for the grace to help you to always choose love. Consider making a visit to the Church as a family before Christmas for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. End your time of quiet prayer together practicing gratitude for God's mercy and love by saying a prayer of thanks aloud:
Loving God,
I thank you for everything you have done for me. I thank you for my family and my friends. I thank you that you love me so much that you sent your son Jesus for me. Help me to see all the blessings you send me each day and to trust in you when times are hard. Fill me with hope, faith, joy and peace.
God bless,
India Mitchell-Fletcher
Religious Education Leader