Bonjour BPS
Enchanté 😊
What a wonderful, whirlwind term it has been!
Merci/ thank you for warmly welcoming me into the Ballan community.
It has been a joy getting to know staff, students, family and friends.
What a caring country community. And what extra amazing artists we have here!
A big ‘BRAVO’ to all of us for winning The Bacchus Marsh Village school Christmas tree competition!
Students were asked to draw and celebrate what was special to them about Ballan.
The tree panels celebrated the fauna and flora, country life, creativity in the community and our colourful school characters.
If you haven’t seen it yet in IRL, check out our tree displayed proudly in our school foyer.
Can you count the Clives?
Although we were one of the smallest schools to enter, our community spirit shone bright and far to see us win the votes. And a massive ‘MERCI’ to everyone who voted, shared the links and supported our arty adventure! “YODA BEST!”
Now to decide what to buy with the $500 Officeworks voucher?? We’re thinking maybe a Cricut machine for lots of arty antics, posca pens for a positive pebble pathway or maybe giant jellybeans… ..let the voting begin again😊
Looking forward to lots more amazing Art and French fun next year!
Wishing you all smiles and safety this festive season.
Joyeux Noël et année
Ms Spencer x
Western Bulldogs Players Visit
Last Wednesday morning we had Sam Darcy (10), Riley Garcia (38) and Luke Kennedy (35) from the Western Bulldogs visit our school as part of their AFL Community Camp. The Grade 3-6 students were involved in a footy clinic with the players. They had lots of fun participating in the clinic by having a kick with the players and meeting the players and asking some hard hitting questions! 🐶🔴⚪️🔵