Learning and Teaching

Preventing the 'Summer Slide'
The ‘Summer Slide’ refers to the loss of educational progress that children often experience during the summer holidays. It's clear that five or six weeks of summer break without engaging our children's minds isn't beneficial for their return to school.
So, how can you support your child's learning during the summer without overwhelming them, while allowing time for relaxation? The answer lies in balance and enjoyment! There are various learning activities that children will naturally enjoy during play, relaxation or downtime. Encourage your child to participate in the following activities to keep their minds engaged and prevent the ‘Summer Slide’:
Reading Time
Reading is one of the most valuable habits we can instill in our children, and its educational benefits are considerable. Nowadays, kids often turn to devices or television, so it's crucial to have some screen-free time each day.
Chess and Board Games
Chess is an excellent way to enhance mathematical thinking as it focuses on patterns and strategy. For children who are new to chess, using an app that displays all possible moves when a piece is selected can be very helpful in learning the rules while playing.
Board games are also fantastic for helping children practice their social skills and mathematics. Some great options include:
- Yahtzee
- Monopoly
- Snakes and Ladders
- Jenga
- Trivial Pursuit
- Guess Who
These games can also make wonderful gifts during the holiday season!