Administration Notices

Tutoring at Mazenod

We are pleased to announce that Mr Anthony Yong (MOC 2021) has been appointed Tutoring Coordinator.


Any families seeking to engage the services of one of our old collegian tutors should contact Mr Yong via email at 


The first contact should always be made by a parent or guardian. Families already using this service should contact Mr Yong with any enquiries in the future.


Please see the attached flyer for more information and pricing details.


Parent Teacher Interviews

We conduct our Parent/Teacher/Student interviews in Term 1 as we believe that early contact with Parents is an essential element in successful study. The focus of these interviews is feedback on your son’s progress and areas of improvement in Term 2.

All interviews are 5 minutes in duration and will be conducted online via Google Meet. Your son should be present with you in the interview.


These interviews, we use an internet-based booking system called Booked (formerly PTO) which enhances our communication with families. Using this system, you will be able to book the interview times that suit you best from any internet-connected computer. 


The Booked system will be open to parents on Friday 21 March at 5 pm. You will not be able to log in or make bookings prior to this time.  An email with login details and instructions will be sent to families before the Booked system is open to parents.


Please be mindful that bookings for the following day close at 5 pm each night the previous day.  Administration staff at the college cannot change bookings for you after 5 pm the day prior or on the day of your booking. You should instead, email the teacher concerned.


Dates and times for this Semester’s Parent Teacher Interviews are listed below –


Date: Monday 31st March

Normal Monday timetable. Several staff are available for an additional interview session. 

Interview bookings for Monday close at 5 pm Sunday 30th March. 


One Session:

2.45 pm – 4.45 pm


Date: Tuesday 1st April

All classes conclude at 12.35 pm on this day (Normal Periods 1-4 timetable).

Interview bookings for Tuesday close at 5 pm Monday 31st March.


Three Sessions:

1.45 pm – 3.40pm

4.10 pm – 6.05 pm

6.55 pm – 8.30 pm


Date: Wednesday 2nd April

There are NO classes on this day.  

Interview bookings for Wednesday close at 5 pm Tuesday 1st April.


Four Sessions:

11.30 am – 1.15 pm

1.45 pm – 3.40 pm

4.10 pm – 6.05 pm

6.55 pm – 8.30 pm

Traffic around our school

As our students return to school it is timely that we reinforce the pickup and drop off protocols which will ensure students’ safety. Students can be dropped in the Kiss and Go area along Monash Drive, at the footbridge on Brandon Park Drive or in the car park of the Monash Community Centre which is at the rear of the Monash Gardens Retirement Village. It is also advisable for those who use Monash Drive that they plan their route and avoid the necessity of doing a U-turn at the roundabout.


Please consider alternative routes that can be used when driving your son to school. If traveling down Springvale Rd, use the service lane and drop your son at Clunies Ross Crescent. The exercise is beneficial and traffic congestion could be avoided. Perhaps use the side streets around Monash Drive, this may allow you to continue your journey without competing for parking along Monash Drive itself. In the short time that school has returned there have been many concerns regarding child safety and potential accidents. Please show care to all users of the roads around Mazenod.

Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) and School Saving Bonus (SSB)

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or those who are temporary foster parents may be eligible for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) of $256.00.


If you received CSEF at Mazenod College last year, you do not need to submit a new application for 2025 unless your family circumstances have changed. For students new to Mazenod College in 2025, a new application is required. CSEF form can be found in the attachment included with the College Fee Invoice email.


For families whose sons were enrolled at Mazenod College in both 2024 and 2025, a $400.00 School Saving Bonus (SSB) will automatically apply to your first school fee invoice. If you are newly eligible for CSEF in 2025, both CSEF and SSB credits ($656.00 in total) will be applied to your account once funds are received from the State Government.


Students over 16 years old who hold a concession card should contact the College Finance Department for a special CSEF application form.


For further details on CSEF and SSB eligibility, please visit:


•             CSEF:

•             SSB:

Download the new MazCom App

See the steps in the image below on how to download the app.


Remember that when logging in, you will need to add to your existing username. Therefore it would read: 


For any issues logging in, please contact the College reception, or email