Rector's Report

Greetings to you all!

Last Sunday we began our journey through the second week of the Lenten season. We were reminded that the three disciplines of Lent are prayer, fasting and works of charity. As members of the De Mazenod Family, you have the opportunity of participating in our annual Lenten course.

This can be experienced by downloading the weekly material and use it privately or by creating a group of friends or with your own family members. Our focus this Lent will be ‘Hope Inspires’ as we reflect on Luke’s Gospel. 


This Sunday we will move into the third week of the Season of Lent; our Sunday Gospel prepares us to hear Lent's call to conversion and repentance. Today's reading is found in the chapters of Luke's Gospel that describe Jesus' journey to Jerusalem. During this journey, Jesus calls for repentance as he teaches and heals. In this parable, we find an image of God's patience and hopefulness as he prepares his Kingdom. This, then, is our reason for hope: Not only does God refuse to abandon us, but he also chooses to attend to us even when we show no evidence of his efforts.

Let us Pray,

Loving God,

you have made us your people.

Transform us, so that we serve you and other people

with the gifts you have given us.

St Eugene de Mazenod

Pray for us. 

Mission Action Day

On April 4 our College community celebrates one of its great days known as Mission Action Day or MAD.  The day will commence with an Easter liturgy followed by a jog around the streets of Mulgrave. Arriving back at the College the students and staff will participate in and enjoy some great food and fun activities. The day will close with the drawing of the various raffles and then a final prayer and blessing before heading off on holidays. This year Mission Action Day marks 45 years of unwavering commitment to social justice, evolving from its humble origins as Jog for Java. What began as a small group of students determined to raise awareness and funds for communities in need in Indonesia has grown into a powerful tradition. In 1996, Mission Action Day was officially established—providing students and staff with a profound opportunity to stand in solidarity with the world’s most vulnerable, while raising awareness and vital monetary donations for the Missionary Association of Mary Immaculate (M.A.M.I) supporting various Oblate Missions around the world and here in Australia.


An example of one of the missions we can assist is an orphanage in Vietnam that has been supported by MAD and the Oblates. Minh Truong (former old boy 2001) writes that he, along with Flynn Truong (8G), recently visited the orphanage. The Vietnam Oblates have been running this orphanage for many years which is doing great work, and the children are in good care. However, the needs keep growing and the Oblate support has now extended to more children (from as young as pre-school to university students).

Supporting MAD with a monetary donation online or with your son spending money at the MAD events, means that ‘Together we can’, as our slogan encourages, continue to make a difference to the lives of many people, especially the young, giving them a tremendous opportunity to start living a rewarding life through love, good health and an education that is gifted to them through us, their brothers and sisters in Christ. 

Oblate Final Profession

On Saturday March 8 at St John Vianney parish, Springvale North a large gathering of Oblates and a congregation of friends and parishioners witnessed two Oblates profess their Perpetual Religious Profession to the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate before the Oblate Provincial, Fr Andrew Chen OMI, on behalf of our Superior General. The two Oblates were: Br Jesuthasan Danistan OMI & Br Rupesh Nand OMI who are pictured below. At the profession the two Oblates received their missionary cross. Br Danistan and Rupesh will now continue their studies towards diaconate and priesthood. We congratulate these two young Oblates for their witness to the gospel and the charism of St Eugene de Mazenod.


A great win by the under 14 Mazenod cricket team on Friday March 14 at Mazenod College.


On Wednesday March 19 our Senior A & B Volleyball Teams won their respective ACC Grand Finals at Dandenong Volleyball Centre. Team ‘A’ won the final for the twelfth year in a row and have won 26 of the last 27 finals. 

Below is pictured Team ’B’ on its winning way to secure the premiership cup at the Dandenong State Volleyball Center.

Congratulations to all our Mazenod teams that participate in various competitions as they represent the college in a sportsmanship like manner by displaying respect for the opposition and umpires whilst creating a positive and supportive team environment.





Yours in Jesus Christ and Mary Immaculate

Fr Harry Dyer OMI