Uniform Shops

Whether you're looking for a new uniform for your son, or you're looking to sell a second-hand uniform, please visit/contact the relevant store using the details below. There are two separate shops, one for New Uniforms and one for Second-Hand Uniforms, and both have different opening hours.

πŸ“ Location

1 Kernot Ave, Mulgrave (opposite the College tennis courts).

πŸ“ž Opening Hours & Contact

New Uniform Shop Hours

Second-Hand Uniform Shop Hours


β€” During school term β€”

β€” Temporary hours β€”


Tuesdays & Thursdays 12:30pm - 4:00pm


Saturday 12th April - 9am to 11.30am

Monday 14th April - 11am to 2pm

Contact for open hours.


Saturday 29th March - 9.30am to 10.30am





Mary Mann



Nancy Mete



0434 742 560

0418 553 191


πŸ”” Notices

Second-Hand Uniform Shop URGENTLY needs β€œgood condition, NEW LOGO uniform items for resale".


Great opportunity to sell your son’s good condition outgrown uniform.

Please have your name, address, and contact phone number securely pinned to each item.  Clothing must be cleaned and blazers dry-cleaned leaving a dry-cleaning tag on a blazer.


Please note: Only good-condition, new logo items will be accepted. Unsuitable items will be disposed of without notice to the owner.


Payment is by cash or cheque only and there are no returns or refunds. This is why it is imperative that you must have your son with you when purchasing. We are unable to offer holds at any time.

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