Year 5

Mr Jones, Ms Miller, Ms Armstrong & Mr Rowley 

Year 5 June Newsletter 2024


Welcome to the final month of Semester 1! The Year 5’s have been working so hard and we are so proud of all their achievements. 


In Writing, the students have planned a persuasive piece on a topic of their choice. In the coming weeks, our Year 5’s will begin their first drafts where they will be incorporating persuasive devices we have learnt about such as hyperboles, rhetorical questions, emotive language, facts and opinions. They will then edit and revise their writing looking at spelling, punctuation and grammar to improve their persuasive pieces. 

In Knowledge, we have been learning about glands and hormones that make up the endocrine system and how the body functions in our Health unit. Students have been practising writing Single Paragraph Outlines (SPO) based on our readings, making sure to include topic sentences, supporting sentences and closing sentences in their paragraphs. 


In Numeracy, we have just finished up working with decimals. This included recognising that any numbers to the right of the decimal point are not whole numbers. Students worked on ordering and placing decimals on a number line to the thousandths place value. In our final weeks of term, students will be learning about fractions. We will start by comparing fractions with related denominators. This will then lead into identifying equivalent fractions and comparing fractions with unrelated denominators. 

In Measurement, students will apply the skills and knowledge about area and perimeter to solve word problems. We will look at the vocabulary in the problems to determine what is being asked to then determine the best strategy to solve it. 

Social and Emotional Learning

In SEL this month, The Resilience Project lessons have focused on exploring the concepts of character strengths. The Year 5’s will look at themselves and people around them to help identify what character strengths they may hold, such as bravery, leadership, honesty, zest, teamwork and countless others! This helps us celebrate and build on our strengths and also helps us to support us in areas that we may not be as strong in. 


We will end Term 2 looking at positive and negative thoughts and being able to recognise when we are thinking these. This will provide us with guidance in how to respond when things go wrong so that we can work on focusing on positive thoughts.