Year 4

Ms Roberts, Ms Pollock, Ms Lawson, Ms Biligin-Samuri and Ms Bowman 

Year 4 June Newsletter 2024


In Literacy, students have been planning and creating narratives with the assistance of a program called Story Champs. Story Champs is a program designed to ensure all students include important elements in their narratives to support the structure and flow of their piece. Each element, or Story Grammar icon is represented by a gesture so we can follow along when elements have been identified in our own or someone else's writing. 



In Knowledge, we have started our novel study of the text Uncle Xbox. Uncle Xbox is a chapter book about a young Aboriginal boy called Dusty. Dusty lives with his mum and baby sister, and his goal is to buy an xbox of his own. He is a very determined character who is desperate to get himself a job so that he can earn some pocket money.


Each class has been reading the novel altogether. Students will read and comprehend the text using knowledge of text structures and language, and by monitoring their comprehension.




In Numeracy students have been exploring worded problems, students used known operations such as addition and subtraction to solve one step worded problems. This week we are moving on to money. Students are counting collections of coins and notes and calculating change to the nearest 5c. The Year 4s are also delving into probability, they are predicting the outcomes of everyday events, using a line of probability. Meanwhile, in geometry they are mastering the calculation of perimeter and area of shapes, using formulas such as length x width.



Social and Emotional Learning

Last week we celebrated National Reconciliation Week. As part of this all students had the opportunity to attend an incursion and had important and rich discussions in our classroom about this year’s theme Now More Than Ever. Students spent some time talking about our class mural and its design and what it represents. Some students decided to take their learning further and design their own mural. 



During Auslan lessons we have learned how to sign the days of the week, months of the year and the weather.