Farm Enterprises

Seeding is completed! We have finished our program just in time to get a few spots of rain. We will continue to cross our fingers for some more rain and look forward to seeing students inspecting the crops when they return in Term 3. Now onto spraying. Certificate III cropping students need to ensure they're getting the time they need on the sprayer to finish off their competencies to submit to Mr de Beer.
We are coming to the end of the calving season, and the cows are happy to see some green grass. With only 3 cows left to calve, we've been blessed with many healthy babies which includes two sets of twins. Next, we start preparing for mating, with Certificate III in Agriculture students undertaking drafting and vaccinating for their medication competencies.
Busy as always! There's been a flurry of work happening in the piggery the past few weeks. It is pleasing to see the students take pride in their work and acknowledge the progress they (and their workmates) have made on these projects. It is always good to stand back and proudly say "I did that!".
The workshop groups have been moonlighting in recent weeks as cropping groups! They have been using the small spreader that has been resurrected by Mr Ball to spread leftover pickled grain onto our seeded pasture paddocks.
The latest workshop project is designing and constructing a bulka bag discharge stand, to make loading the small spreader easier and safer.
As lambing and feeding continues, Mr Laird and the Year 12s have finished marking the first mob of lambs. The Prime Lamb mob produced 109% lambing! We look forward to seeing the results for the Merino mobs when lamb marking comes around for them next term. Certificate III students will need to ensure that they have their names down for lamb marking if they want to get practical observations done for the medication and drafting competencies.
Mr Laird is currently undertaking some weighing of the young wethers in the hopes of sending off another load soon.