From the Principal

Jonathon Arnott

Can you believe Term 2 is already coming to an end? Time flies when we’re having fun and working hard! I want to give a big shout-out to all our students for an amazing term. Your dedication and enthusiasm have been truly inspiring. A special thank you to our fantastic staff, who always go the extra mile to provide our students with incredible programs and opportunities. Your hard work makes all the difference.

Country Week

We are thrilled to have about 70 students participating in Country Week this year! Our College will be proudly represented in boys' football, mixed hockey, girls' netball, boys' basketball, mixed volleyball, and mixed touch football. The lead-up to this event has been filled with intense preparation. I want to recognise our students for their commitment to training and extend a huge thank you to the staff for their time and effort. Best of luck to all our teams—go out there and shine!

Looking Ahead to Next Term

Next term is set to be even more exciting, with a packed agenda full of activities and learning opportunities. I encourage all students, especially our Year 12s, to take some time to relax and recharge over the holidays. For our General Year 12s, next term is your final stretch, and it’s so important to attend every day to keep the pressure off both you and our staff. Keeping up with attendance, monitoring your progress, and putting in the effort to complete all your assessments will help you finish strong after 13+ years of schooling.

Holiday Wishes

A heartfelt thank you to all the Year 11 parents who joined our information night last week. We hope you found the sessions on scholarships, subject selections, and Northwest Tour preparation helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the College.


Wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable holiday break. Let’s hope for more of that lovely rain we’ve been having lately!


Jonathon Arnott
