Kitchen Garden

We have been successful in receiving a 2024 Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant of $1000. The grant will enable us to create a mini habitat garden to attract beneficial insects, pollinators, birds and small animals within the kitchen garden area. We will commence this project during term 3.
The Science Fair is on from 4-6pm Monday 12th August (Week 5), and we will have the kitchen garden market cart set up with fresh produce, preserves and other garden goodies for sale. There will also be a sausage sizzle and bake stall.
Kitchen Garden Helpers
We warmly welcome parents, grandparents and carers to help with activities during our kitchen garden sessions for the grade 3 and 4 students. It's a great way to connect with your children and the WEPS community, and you might even learn some new gardening and cooking tips! To volunteer, you must have a current working with children's check and sign in at the office. You child doesn't need to be participating in the kitchen garden program for you to volunteer. For more information regarding session times etc, contact your child's teacher or email