Acting Principal's News

Josie Burt

Welcome to Term 3!

It has been a fantastic start to the term at CNPS!

Over the holidays we said goodbye to the school bus - which had served its purpose and was no longer an asset to the school. It was taken to an artist in Geelong who repurposes buses into Street Art. A huge thank you to Ravi Saldanha for his time and advice in organising the bus's new home.

Parent Teacher Interviews

I was so happy to see the productive and collaborative conversations occurring between families and teachers during the Parent Teacher Interviews in week one. We had an attendance rate of 77% which shows how much value our families place in meeting with their child's teacher to discuss reports and future goals.


Our year three and five students received their NAPLAN reports in week one. This data is a snapshot of what your child was able to do at the time of taking the tests. We will use this data in combination with the assessments we undertake regularly to support and challenge your children to make progress in their learning. These results do not tell us what your child can do now - they have already added four more months of learning onto what they knew back in March. 

Year 7 Placement offers

Our Year Six students have received their placement offers for Year Seven.  We have seen our students place at six different local Secondary Colleges. Parents have until Wednesday the 7th of August to return the acceptance letter to their class teacher or my office.

Parent / Caregiver Survey

We have sent out invitations to each family to participate in the Parent / Caregiver Survey for this year. Each family will have received an email yesterday inviting them to participate in this survey. The information the school gathers from this survey is anonymous. It helps us to track how successful we have been with our learning initiatives from a parent's perspective. I encourage all families to take the time to complete the survey - it is accessible in 10 different languages and open until the 30th of August.

Student and Staffing Update

We have welcomed several new students to our school - Afifa, Katherine, Uwais, Ariena, Dylan, Danish and Alayna. 


We have also welcomed two new staff - Precious as a tutor and learning support teacher, and Pramodha - our new Breakfast Club coordinator.

We hope that you are enjoying being part of the CNPS community


Thank you to Jenny and Kathie for the extra time they have put in to make rehearsals for State Schools Spectacular a success.


Big thank you to Elisha for stepping into the role of Acting Assistant Principal and supporting our school so wonderfully.


Dress Like a Principal Day

Thank you to all the students and teachers who made the effort to dress like a principal! Seeing all the lanyards, name tags, suits,  glasses and colourful badges around the school was wonderful. This fundraiser was a great way to celebrate Principal's Day and raise funds for our State School Spectacular team!


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