Education in Faith

Sacrament of Confirmation
Last Saturday, 60 candidates participated in their final Sacrament of Initiation: The Sacrament of Confirmation. Bishop Terry Curtin officiated with the help of Parish Priests Father Anh and Father Tien. The students arrived dressed in their Confirmation finery, flanked by proud members of their extended family and friends. Students were commended on their knowledge of the Sacrament and the reverence and respect they showed throughout the services.
‘Confirmation this week was definitely a memorable experience. It was organised and decorated well. As a candidate of this sacrament I am grateful that SMCM took this event just as seriously as the rest of us and made it something to never forget.’
- Isabella Attard.
'My experience of Confirmation has been really reverent and spiritual. Connectors helped me understand more about Confirmation and the importance of the Holy Spirit in my life. On the day of my Confirmation I felt excited, but also calm because the Bishop and Father Anh attended the mass. When I was anointed with the Chrism of Oil, I felt the Holy Spirit within me. My sponsor helped me feel prepared for my faith journey and on the day I was a little scared, but he made me feel calm and comfortable.'
- Sienna Faralla
'As you entered the sacred space, one of the first things I really liked was the way the altar was set up with the nice posters of the Holy Spirit. I found the placing of the candidates really helpful since it was easy to find the person you were doing your role with. I also liked the choir singer, because it suited the moments of the mass. For example during the confirmation blessing when there was silence it was a reverent and important moment in your life. Bishop Terry’s homily was very positive and it gave you courage to go up and be confirmed confidently. Along with that he also made us laugh, this really helped as many Bishops and priests can't do it as well as him. He made us relax and enjoy our confirmation.'
- Michael Antony
‘Confirmation has been one of our biggest achievements for sacraments especially in primary school. I am so grateful that the SMCM leaders set up our confirmation day perfectly for not only the candidates but for the families and special guests. We also say a big thank you to Bishop Terry for confirming us on this day. Confirmation was done so well and I was so happy with the results in the end. I’m sure this memory will never be forgotten by anyone’
- Mia Ellul
Last Saturday, we celebrated the Confirmation of our sacramental candidates. Congratulations to all those newly Confirmed who are now "sealed with the Holy Spirit".
The celebration of Confirmation completes our Sacramental celebrations for the Year.
We are proud of the students who received one of the three sacraments and continue their faith journey. It has been a wonderful experience to watch our students grow during this time. Thank you to all the teachers involved, ensuring our students were prepared for these Sacraments. Thank you to Father Anh, Father Tien and Brother Rhys for supporting our students and Parish during this time. Thank you to Bishop Terry for joining us on two occasions to confirm our candidates last week and a big thank you goes to our Alyssa who led each of our services with joyful songs.
Parish Mass
Our Year One students invite family and friends to join them tomorrow for the celebration of Mass at 12pm in our SMCM Sacred Space.
Next Friday, 28th June, our Year 6 students will be attending Mass.
Education in Faith Leader