Principal's News

Dear SMCM Community, Wominjeka!
What a fabulous day of athletics and sportsmanship we have had at our Whole School Sports Day! The children participated with great enthusiasm and our staff race was a highlight! Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help and our staff who ensured our event ran smoothly. A special thank you to Lisa Palma whose organisation and eye for detail made our day a great success!
Change of Date - School Closure Day
Over the school holidays the Boulevard Learning Community will be fitted with internal glass panels and sliding doors to create a more flexible learning environment. This work is scheduled to be completed by Sunday the 14th July. To facilitate these works and ensure all our students can return to a settled learning environment we will start Term 3 with a school closure on Monday 15th July. This closure day will allow staff time to move furniture and resources and prepare all learning spaces ready for the students' return. This school closure day has been approved by Dr Mary Oski MACS Director of Educational Excellence.
Semester One Reports
As we near the end of term, it is time to celebrate all the wonderful learning that has been happening. Student reports will be distributed to all students tomorrow, Friday 21st June. This along with the posts on your child’s Online Learning Logs on Seesaw and the Learning Conversations gives you information about your child’s learning for the first semester. Families are encouraged to communicate with their child’s homegroup teacher to discuss learning progress at any time throughout the year.
Our thoughts and prayers are with Josephine, David, Helen, Flynn, Curtis, Lyla (Epperson Homegroup) and Stanley (Curie Homegroup) on the passing of the children's Grandfather this week.
Families are invited to join us for a special performance by our choir at 2:45pm tomorrow afternoon in our Penola Multipurpose Hall for World Music Day!