OSHC Accounts to the end of Term 2
As all parents are now aware Ringwood North Primary School have outsourced their OHSC arrangements as well as the Vacation Care to Teamkids. Teamkids are keen to come on board and meet you and your children.
For further information on Teamkids and how to enroll with their program please refer to their information on our website and the bulletins sent out by the office.
To finalise the details of our current program we need to have ALL ACCOUNTS paid by the end of term, final payment run will occur in the holidays. Statements have been emailed out to all families today. Please note if you have had a reversal of payment recently this incurs a $19.95 fee to the financial agency that processes the payments through My Xplor. Please note this is not an RNPS fee and does not show on your statement.
The next scheduled run for payments is Monday 24th June, please make sure you have the funds to cover the amount outstanding on your statement. If you have had a reversal, you will also need to ensure funds to cover the additional $19.95 for each reversal up to 3 times.
OSHC is a service to our school community and therefore it is expected that parents honour this and ensure payment is made.
If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact me in the office.
Ricarda Lillis
Business Manager
Our mobile number is: 0419 511 018
Our email: oshc@ringwoodnorthps.vic.edu.au
The OSHC room is located at the end of the top staff carpark if you would like to chat to us in person.