RE News

Mrs Claire Ryan - Religious Education Co-ordinator


Congratulations to Aiden and Elsie, who, on Saturday, continued their faith journey and received our Lord for the first time in the Holy Eucharist. This was undoubtedly a special and memorable occasion for the candidates, their families and the parish community.


I want to thank Fr Antony for the meaningful way he delivered Mass, making it so unique for our children, their families, and everyone who attended. 


I extend my thanks to Deacon Paul Manvell, who took the time to visit and engage our children in Years 3-6 in a discussion about the significance of the Church building, sacred vessels, and the vestments worn by the Priest.  


Thank you to the staff who prepared the students to receive the Sacrament. 


Together, we pray that this Eucharist will be the first of many that Aiden and Elsie celebrate as they become regular participants in Mass.


Catholic Principles and Values underpin all we do in Catholic schools. These principles and values are explicitly taught in every subject. Through the Catholic Principles and Values and their application in every subject, our students will be helped to develop a worldview that focuses on God and God's desire for all human beings to create a world where everyone is respected and cared for, the environment is managed for the future, and resources are used for the benefit of all. The explicit teaching of these principles and values sets our Catholic schools apart.

The Principle of 'The Common Good'—Through solidarity and fraternity, Catholics consciously work for the fair distribution of goods and resources for human persons so that their human dignity can be upheld. Students must be provided with skills to respond to human needs in a Christ-centred way. 


So, on Friday, July 5th, children are asked to bring non-perishable food items and/or winter clothing or accessories to donate to the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. We will create a hamper that can be provided to people in our local community who are in need this winter.