Arts News

Year Eight Art Focus Day 

We’re delighted that all Year Eight students have participated in two workshops on Wednesday, as well as a barbecue for lunch. There were lots of great options available, all from local talented artists. 


Phoebe Duff offered botanical art and drawing, students taking home their drawings. 


Nathan Bray gave students an insight into ceramics; students created ceramic cups with an array of imprints. These will be fired early next term.


Lauren Truscott from Freckle introduced the wonders of polymer clay, students created pendants, earings, key rings, all inspired by the colours of the Albany seascape. 


Puppeteer and set designer extraordinaire, Cecile Williams inspired students to experiment with fabric, making string and then all sorts of creations. 


Andy Dolphin shared his vast knowledge of drawing and illustration; particularly cartooning. 


Actor, Simon Woodward led his ever popular improvisation workshops in the Hall, a must for all budding actors. 


Nadja Roleufs shared her expertise in felting and textiles, students were able to create small felted objects and Jessikah Woods shared her knowledge of Mineng stories and Art with students who created beautiful symbolic acrylic canvases. 


A very creative way to finish the term! 

Ms Rachel Mordy | Head of the Arts

Twilight Concert

This week the Music Department presented our fifth and final concert for this term with our second Twilight concert presented by the Tiny Trebles, Violettes, Intermediate Strings, Foundation Band, Primary Voices and the Primary School Rock Band. 


The concert was full of the smiling proud faces of children and delighted faces of family and friends celebrating each other’s musical achievements. 


Congratulations to all our young musicians.

Ms Emma Luxton | Director of Music