Some words from the Principal

Mrs Danielle Heatley

End of Term 2

Wow, I can't believe we find ourselves half way through the year and at the end of Term 2.   There has been so many sicknesses going around and I also got hit hard with the Flu, so my apologies that the last newsletter was missing the Principal Page.  I didn't want the term to finish without letting you know some exciting updates so I thought I would send you my very own newsletter to finish off the term. 

Student-Led Conferences 

I am just so proud of your amazing children, our students!  We as a school have been working towards Student Led Conferences for a few years now.   Many schools, both Primary and Secondary have moved towards this model as it not only empowers students to take ownership of their learning but also encourages them to develop critical life skills such as goal setting, self-reflection, and effective communication. By involving students directly in the conference process, they become active participants in their own academic journey. Student Led Conferences encourage students to talk to their parents about the learning from Semester 1, their thinking processes, their progress in all areas of their learning (which links to their S1 report) and also teaches them how to link evidence of their learning through highlighting their work samples. 


I was incredibly disappointed that I was unwell on Wednesday so missed being here onsite but I went around and spoke to students on Thursday and their faces were beaming, telling me how proud they were of themselves and how proud their parents were of them too.  All of the teachers were also filled with pride watching the children talk about their learning. 


Thankyou for the parents who have started to provide feedback via the link Peta Phillips sent around on Thursday via Compass.   This is the first time we have implemented SLC and as a school we are always looking to improve.  All feedback will be reviewed to enhance future practices and there are already some great suggestions there.  


We are VERY excited to also let you know we have hit our fundraising target of $20,000 raised which will go towards a new Futsal (soccer) pitch at Karoo! 

Over 2024 we have been working hard to fill our thermometer to $20,000!   Total money raised (after taking out costs) from events are as follows: 

Colour Run & BBQ - $14,350 (WOW!)

Easter Raffle - $1,750

Coin Challenge - $2, 375 

Karoo Beanies - $1, 525

We can now book in for the next Term 3 holiday break to install the FUTSAL COURT!!! 

Holiday Building Works 

While you are taking a mid year break from the daily routine of the school day - we have lots of things happening to improve and enhance our school.   Some of the things to look out for when we return in Term 3 are: 

  • To support student safety we are installing boom gates in and out of the staff carpark.  As I have discussed in past communication, we have been very concerned about students and families that walk through the car park or use it as a drop off area.  Any one who requires the disabled car parks are still able to call the office who can open it remotely. 
  • Height Safety work across the school - to ensure that for anyone who is required to access our roof (air-conditioning, roof plumber, solar etc)  that there are safe systems for them to access the roof.  
  • All gutters will be cleaned around the school - this happens twice a year and after Autumn is a great time to ensure the gutters are clear for any rain that comes. 
  • The dividing doors between the gym/multipurpose room have been repaired.  This will allow it to be used as 2 spaces, or to continue to open it for more space. 

A HUGE thankyou continues to go to Mr John Savinos who has been employed this year in a Facilities Coordinator role.   John also leads our Building and Grounds SC subcommittee group and works incredibly hard across the school to ensure we continue to maintain and enhance our grounds.  

Building a Resilient Child - Parent Education Partnership Series (PEPS)- Book your place!

Each Term we invite our families to take part in our Karoo PS PEPS.  In Term 3, we will have Shelia Bollard, our Real School Facilitator, coming to our school on Wednesday 31st July to facilitate a parent session on 'Building a Resilient Child.'  Ticket bookings are now open, please book in your place as soon as possible.  We look forward to seeing you there for a fantastic evening of learning!



New Soccer After School Program

We are delighted to be able to offer our Karoo students an after school opportunity to be part of the Soccer X Program by Sports X in Term 3. 

Details of the program being offered are as follows:

Program:  Soccer

Day: Monday afternoons

Start Date: Monday 22nd July  (Week 2) 

Duration:  8 weeks

Time: 3.40pm – 4.40pm

Cost: $141 per term 


The program is available for students from Foundation – Year 6 and will operate on the turf (until we get out new pitch). Strictly NO Football boots of any kind. Sessions will be run by qualified coaches who hold WWCC.  The children will be split into groups according to age.


Registrations are via QR code on the flyer below or you can visit


Canteen New Hours from Term 3

Due to declining sales, from the beginning of Term 3 the canteen will be reducing their days of operation to just 3 days ( Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).  The canteen will be open at both breaks (lunch and afternoon break) on these days, but will not be open at all on a Monday or Tuesday. 


I am taking some long service leave for Week 1 of Term 3 and Mrs Courtney Hoffmann will be Acting Principal during my absence. I am heading up to sunny Port Douglas which I am looking forward to some sunshine, swimming and time with my husband and three children.  I hope you too have a great break and spend time with family and friends, 





Danielle Heatley
