Principal Message

Term 2          

Friday 28th June

From the Principal’s Desk

Dear families,


As we come to the end of another term, I want to extend my congratulations to all our families for the tremendous commitment to learning demonstrated by our students. It has been a term filled with hard work, growth, and countless achievements, and I couldn't be prouder of the dedication shown by our students.


This week, student reports have been sent home, and I encourage you to take a moment to celebrate your child's progress and accomplishments. These reports reflect not only their academic efforts but also their personal development and resilience. Well done to all our students!


Looking ahead to Term 3, we are excited about the new playground equipment design and decision-making process. Our Junior School Council students have taken the lead, starting this process with enthusiasm and creativity. They have created collage wish lists, which are now on display outside the library for everyone to consider. We look forward to seeing these ideas come to life and to providing our students with an engaging and enjoyable play space.


As we head into the holidays, I wish all our families a safe and fun-filled break. Enjoy this time together, and we look forward to welcoming everyone back refreshed and ready for another fantastic term commencing on Monday 15th July.


