Year 7 News

Cam Bruce & Gareth Hose | Year 7 Coordinators

Semester 2

The changeover to semester 2 began this week, with some changes to some subjects for our students. This changeover is an exciting opportunity for students to experience some different subjects to broaden their experiences here at school. With this changeover, students timetables have changed slightly, with new teachers, classrooms and times. We appreciate our students' ability to adapt to these changes and they have been handling this well. All students have been given a hard copy of their timetable to put in their diaries to assist them with organisation and getting to classes on time with the correct equipment.





Students semester reports and term interim reports will be released next week. Students and parents are encouraged to review these reports together to celebrate the achievements in particular subjects and also to look for areas of improvement moving forward into the second half of the year. Any queries in regards to reporting, please reach out to the classroom teacher of that particular subject.


Student Values Awards

At our most recent assembly we celebrated the achievements of 3 students for consistently demonstrating our college values. These students were awarded a canteen voucher each for receiving the highest number of values from their teachers over the past 5 weeks. Congratulations to Archie Knight, Natalie Gregor and Jas Kenneison for their achievements.


Enjoy the Break!

We hope that all students take the time during the holiday break to refresh and recharge ready to hit the ground running in Term 3.